Vocal unit

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Hello this is Mei's relationship with vocal unit enjoyyyyyy.


Ship name: meihan or jeonying

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Ship name: meihan or jeonying

Mother-daughter relationship

Nicknames for jeonghan:
Han hyung, hannie hyung(most used), eomma.

Nicknames for Meiying:
My baby, mei-mei, daughter, ying

Jeonghan is super protective of Mei, he won't let anyone hurt her and even the members know better than to mess with jeonghan when it come to Mei, he loves Mei like his daughter and has proved it many times, he never gets mad at her and always treats her like a baby, he is one of her faves and will always be. They both cheat so much that the staff never lets them team up but they still team up and when they do they are a nightmare. He is quick to spot if Mei is uncomfortable and will immediately help her. He is her comfort zone. Hella soft for her.


Ship name:- joying or shuamei

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Ship name:- joying or shuamei

Rich uncle-fav niece relationship

Nicknames for joshua:
Shua hyung, Josh hyung

Nicknames for Mei:
Mei-min, cutie, strawberry

Joshua is like a fun uncle for her she loves talking to him, anything Mei wants Joshua will get Mei anything she wants, he never admits it but their love for each other is fully evident. Joshua will throw hands if anyone tries to do anything to Mei, they both talk in English a lot. Like jeonghan he can also spot If Mei is uncomfortable and will help her. He loves her presence a lot. Also Hella soft for her.


Ship name: Wooying, jimei

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Ship name: Wooying, jimei

Two cutie patooties relationship

Nicknames for Woozi:
Woo hyung, shortie hyung, hoon hyung.

Nicknames for Mei:
Ying, Tall cutie, production buddy, my buddy.

Jihoon is the type of person who wouldn't get soft for anyone even if the world was ending but with Mei it is very different he dosent admit it but definitely loves her more than anything, they produce songs together, they have helped each other with producers block. There are so many compilations on YouTube of "woozi being Hella soft for mei". Woozi dosent need a lot of convincing to go outside if it's Mei many members even whine about how he dosent pay them enough attention bc of Mei, he never responds to those comments, bc even he knows their true.


Ship name: Doying, Seomei

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Ship name: Doying, Seomei

The Sunshines

Nicknames for DK:
Min hyung, my joker, clown

Nicknames for Mei:
Sunflower, ying, doll

DK and Mei can make the most serious people in the world laugh, they both are the most unserious people their vocals are to kill for, they both make the most lamest but funniest jokes, it never awkward for them. They are always there for each other through ups and downs. There are the true friendship goals. DK is Hella soft for her 🤧 and has even admitted that Mei is his fav member (the other members were really offended but didn't blame him).


Ship name: Kwanmei, seungying

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Ship name: Kwanmei, seungying

Nicknames for seungkwan:
Kwan hyung, boo hyung, diva

Nicknames for Mei:
Cutie, Daisy, mei-mei

The Variety show royalty

They can make the most boring show popular, they both are amazing at variety shows and have even been MCs, they both are also called sassy duo, seungkwan may give sass to everyone but not her he is Hella soft (again) for this girl and will throw hands with anyone for her, he is like a brother who will love Mei till death and will never leave her side.

Authors note: hope you enjoy this it took me a lot of time to make this pls keep in mind I am not an experienced writer this is my first time and suggestions are always open if you think I can improve my writing in anyway pls tell me thxs for reading.

600+ words!!!!!!

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