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Bonnie is walking through the woods and she arrives at the old abandoned house where the witches were burned, many years ago. As she enters, voices whisper around her but she cannot make out what they are saying. She walks into the basement and there are five coffins there. She walks towards the one which is further away from the other four. She opens it and Klaus is inside, holding Elena's aka Esther's necklace. She reaches out to grab it, but she hears a noise behind her so she turns around and Hayden is standing right there. His facial expression is blank but his eyes begin to transform.

Suddenly, Bonnie wakes up in her bed. She is confused and creeped out.


Elena and Bonnie are sitting at a table.

"I feel like I'm going crazy. Totally paranoid all the time", Elena explains. "You have a right to be. Klaus is still out there and he knows you tried to kill him. And Hayden will hate you even more." "Why haven't they made a move? There has been no sign of either of them. Nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity." "Join the club. Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare. On repeat." "The same dream?" "Yeah! Five coffins, Klaus is in one of them and Hayden is always behind me when I turn around. It's weird." "What if it's not just some dream? What if it's like...you know...witch dream?" "It's just stress. I'll figure it out."


Elena is ringing Jeremy but he isn't answering. Damon is next to her, shooting darts. "Jeremy, the minutes that you get this, call me!" She leaves a message for him.

"Unbelievable!" "You are feisty when you are mad", Damon jokes. "It's not that I'm mad. I'm just- I'm worried." "But why? He lost his job at the Grill. He can survive, Elena." "He is spiraling. Ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he is moody, he is not really talking to anyone." "It's typical teenager." "Who's seeing ghosts and has lost everyone that he cares about." "Not everyone. He still has you and Hayden", he is referring to them not being dead. Hayden is technically alive. "Not Hayden...Not Hayden", Elena responds.

Damon throws a dart at the dartboard. He goes up and retrieves them all. "You okay?" Elena questions. "What makes you think I'm not okay?" "Well, you're day drunk. It's not exactly your most attractive look." "Hmm, what is my most attractive look?" He moves closer to her. Elena stops him, "Ah, ah. I'm not saying you have any attractive looks. I'm saying this is my least favourite one..." "Noted. See if I can make any improvements."

"Don't mind us", someone is heard from behind Elena and Damon. The two turn to face the voice. Standing there is Klaus and Hayden. Elena and Damon look at them with worry, Elena is scared.

"Klaus. Hayden..." She eyes her twin brother.



Hayden and Klaus are currently laying in bed, relaxing from their past activities. Ever since Homecoming, they have been messing around...A LOT. Hayden's head is currently resting on Klaus' chest as he sleeps peacefully while the older is wide awake, staring at the younger's face, analysing ever detail. He is in awe but he has a confused expression on his face. He does not understand what the feeling he experiences whenever he sees Hayden's face is, that pisses him off. The idea that he could be in love with Hayden is not in his mind because in all his life, it has never been a possibility...not a true possibility. He lifts his hand to Hayden's hair and begins to run his fingers through his soft and silky hair. Hayden begins to wake up from the touch but Klaus does not realise because he is too much in his head. Hayden's eyes flutter open and he looks up at Klaus, his eyes still on him. He grins as he sees that Klaus is out of it. Hayden leans his head up and waits a few seconds before he pecks Klaus' nose, this brings him back to reality. Klaus looks at Hayden confused but the younger male just chuckles with a big cheeky smile on his face. Klaus smiles without realising.

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