Christmas Day! Part-1

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Percy expressed strong disapproval of the behavior, making it clear that he did not find it amusing. In a cold tone, he stated, "This is no laughing matter,"

"Step aside, Percy," Fred interjected. "Harry's in a hurry."

"Yes, he is off to the Chamber of Secrets, I hear, for a cup of tea with his fanged servant," George remarked, chuckling. 

Ginny, on the other hand, didn't find it amusing at all. Every time Fred loudly inquired about Harry's next target or when George playfully defended himself against Harry with a sizable clove of garlic during their encounters, she would wail, "Oh, please, stop."

Harry didn't pay much attention to it; it made him feel better... Fred and George, however, found the idea of him being Slytherin's heir quite laughable. Nonetheless, their pranks seemed to irritate Draco and Jade, who grew increasingly sour-faced every time they caught sight of the mischievous twins. 

Ron stated with certainty, "Malfoy is eager to confess that it's actually him." He remarked, "He can't stand being bested by anyone, and here you are taking all the glory for his underhanded schemes," Ron remarked, oblivious to the shift in Draco's behavior. 

Hermione chimed in, "His time is running out," with a satisfied smile. "Our Polyjuice Potion will be finished soon. We're bound to uncover the truth from him very soon."

~With Jade~ 

As the term came to a close, a hush descended upon the castle grounds. Jade couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility in the calm that enveloped the surroundings. Instead of feeling somber, she found solace in the peaceful atmosphere that now surrounded her. The fact that she, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle had the Slytherin common room all to themselves brought a sense of freedom and opportunity for them to hone their dueling skills in privacy.

Disappointment washed over Jade as she acknowledged the fact that they wouldn't be able to celebrate the holiday at Malfoy Manor alongside Mr. Malfoy. 

"Hey, I know we can't go and spend the holidays with your father," Jade began, her mind suddenly struck with an idea. "But what if we surprise him with a Floo call to wish him a Happy Christmas? Do you think he would be okay with that?"

"I suppose he wouldn't mind, but why would you? He's not your family, so you don't have to." Draco told her, noticing that she often went out of her way to see or talk to his father. 

With a warm smile, Jade said, "Hm? I know, but I think he might feel a bit lonely when we're away at school and he's by himself at home. Perhaps we can find a way to show him that even though we can't be there, he doesn't have to feel so lonely."

"You're just so empathetic towards others... even those who may not reciprocate," Draco whispered affectionately as he embraced Jade. Suddenly, a worrisome thought crossed his mind, leaving him unsure how to feel. "Something seems off about her lately... either she's unknowingly fallen in love with someone or... she's brewing a plan that won't sit well with someone."

~Time skip~ 

As the first light of Christmas morning broke, a serene yet frosty atmosphere enveloped the dormitory. Nested in their beds were Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle, oblivious to the world outside. However, their peaceful sleep was abruptly disrupted by the arrival of Jade, who bustled into the room, already dressed for the festivities. Armed with presents for her friends, she wasted no time in stirring them from their slumber. With a mischievous grin, Jade threw open the curtains, flooding the room with the pure, white light of day.

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