Andrews | Chapter 6

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I nearly fall head first down a dune as we step back out onto the dreamscape wasteland, which really didn't help my already sour mood. I don't hide it as I whirl on Dexter "Are all the higher grades bastards like you, who leave their partners for dead?"

"Probably." He remarked, his tone bored while he checked the captured dream. "Not a terrible performance from you, though. I'll be sure to mention it in my report." He tucked away the capsule and tapped the side of his helmet. "You might want to get that."

I'm a little confused until my suite comms come back online, Harry's voice way too loud in my ears. "Noah! Are you reading me? Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I'm here. Stop yelling. Everything is fine, target's been secured."

"You sure." I've never heard her this concerned about me before, which is both heartwarming and a little worrying. What happened while I was away that could make her like this.

"What's got you so worried? This is nowhere close to my first time out here." I can hear the muffled sound of her speaking to another. "Harry?" There's a shuffle of movement and it's not Harry's voice that comes through, it's a voice I've never heard before.

"Ms Danger has stepped away for a moment, so we can speak privately." She has a soft, dangerous voice. "I am Rachel Kane, second class." She may as well be a king for the amount of grades between us. It's no wonder Harry's freaking out. I'd never spoken to anyone higher than this scumbag of a Dexter, so wasn't sure exactly what I was supposed to say.

"It's an honour," I say awkwardly and flush red behind my visor when I see Dexter smirking at me.

"Quite," she replies, confirming to me that the higher up you go, the more of an arse you become. "We have been observing both you and Grade 3 Barnes through your live feeds." It's news to me that I have a live feed, normally I need to get it back to Harry for processing. "We are impressed with the way you handled yourself, albeit a little confused about your treatment of the construct."

"Do you mean the child or the monster?" The words leave my lips before I can stop them. There is a sigh on the other side of the line before Rachel continues.

"Well, at least that means you know they were constructs. Now, before I reconsider the company's decision. Once you have completed your mission, we would like you and your engineer to report to the North gate. You are being considered for grade 3." My stomach flips and nearly rises into my throat. Grade 3, she's saying I'm going to be a grade 3. Just like that, she's moving me up four grades. My mouth goes dry. "Your gratitude is noted." I try to say thank you, but it comes out as an odd rasping sound because I'd forgotten to breathe. The company structure has three tiers to it and levels within those tiers. At the bottom you've got agents like me, not great pay, but there's always work if you're looking for it. The next level belongs to lieutenants and overseers, depending on which career path you choose.

Overseers are the caretakers of the various space stations we have scattered around the planet, each of them responsible for their upkeep and equipment. It's tedious to most and rewarding to some, but everyone agrees the pay leaves you Egyptian cotton comfortable. On the other side of the spectrum, the lieutenant route has you working with the grunts like me. You're also required to work the more dangerous jobs like groups of vivid dreamers or search and rescue for our own. The last section at the very top is where Rachel resides. Three classes of untouchable, dangerous bastards who've survived long enough to deserve the titles. Unfortunately for them, they're still employees. The CEO and all those streaks in suits still have sway over the missions. For each rank you clear, there's a substantial pay raise. With me jumping up four whole ranks, it's that part that I can't breathe through. I'll be able to take care of my family with ease. My whole life, no, our whole lives are about to get so much better. "As your current grade is below the requirement for the last mission, Barnes will delete your suit's latest recording. Your new grade will not be officially applied until you have been briefed, judged worthy and re-equipped." The comm changes hands again and Harry's voice is as weak and quiet as my own.

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