Oh fuck nah bro I'm gonna murder this lanky fucker

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Despite being on the edge of death, Damon listened and didn't move. Things could be worse right now.. Things could be a lot worse.

The man unwrapped the string from Damon's neck, not even giving him a chance at air as he now ripped off Damon's shirt with ease, then his pants. This is worse. This was what could be worse.

This is what Damon had been panicking about. All that cooperation for nothing.

For the next 5 hours, Damon was bitten, bitten all over his body, his neck, his thighs, his stomach, back, shoulders his ankles and face were all bruised and bitten. His neck especially was decorated in large, painful hickeys.

Damon had lost his voice, he couldn't scream. Couldn't cry. It hurt. It hurt too much. Its not like anybody would hear him either way, it's not like anybody would care, either. He couldnt do anything about it. He wouldn't. He was too scared.

Nobody would even bat an eye.

The man grabbed Damon by the wrist, dragging him across the room before reaching into his pocket and jabbing the boy in the arm with a large needle.

But Damon just let it happen. He was a coward. This is why all this happened. Because he was a coward and didn't know how to defend himself, he couldn't even defend himself if he wanted.

Damon didn't know how to fight, he never had the energy to fight. All of this was because he was a freak. Some stupid winged freak. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid stupid. STUPID.

As Damon lay on the ground, the door slammed shut, his father had left. He couldn't move his head or body at all to check if his father had left, Damon had just assumed that his father had left due to the shutting of the door.

If he even turned his head it would throb in pain, if he attempted to stand he would end up bursting into tears again, they were broken. His beautiful wings that he loved.. They were broken, ruined.

He thought if he held everything back it would go away, just hold back the tears, don't cry and he'd be alright, people have it worse. People have it worse.

Things could be worse.

A lot worse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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