Prologue~ Falling down Hard

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A/N: (justtt a few things to say before we start!! Please read, it's only about a minute long)

- Written for a fantastic friend, whose nickname is Shakira! Go check out their account: AnEngimeChoice (shakira, if you are reading this right now, just pause and close the book okay?)

- What happens in this book can be seen as very confusing. Let me clarify what "confusing" parts will occur:

1) The main character, who is often referred to as C, is trying to find herself, or more like, who she was

2) Because of past events, C is unable to remember what had happened to her

3) Eventually, she starts to get her memories back (now this is the confusing part) which can take many different forms, and are often her perspective of the twisted place she lives in

4) A few example could be flowers, and colors, as C finds herself in love with those two items. Also nature

5) A lot of these memories are symbolic

- "~*~" is a time skip

- "*~*" is to separate a poem from the rest of the book (the poems do have a lot of meaning and relations to the book/ C's view. They are not random scrips I just threw in lol)

- "——" is to separate an author's note from the rest of the book

- C can often find herself believing that the world she lives in is not really real... but this is for you to decide!

- Also, just like what is stated above, this book is meant for you to put your perspective in it. You are meant to have a view and make sense of what happens in your own way :3

- Haha, also also, the poetry part is inspired by "Grim Hollow", a fantastic Warrior Cats book by Dove Flutter



I am down.
Pain, falls everywhere,
Yet, so it may still myself.

I have been taken.
Taken into a new world,
Full of hopes and dreams.

There was life.
Brought by you;
Brought by the dreams carried out.

Swept off,
I have been swept off here,
Not by my own decision,
But by fate grasping me in its calloused hands.

I will look,
However I see a world,
Full of vanity.

We the people,
Once able to think for ourselves,
Are now stubborn asses.

A world,
Carried out on the backs,
Of the people who knew how to dream;
Of the people who knew how to hope.

Brick, by brick,
For a better life they came,
Then the one where they descended from.
Labor swept them to their joy,

It worked.
All had worked out.
Our lives were free, by only our own hands.
Until you came to tinker with it.

I see lies.
So many lies.
With your games;
With your tales.

Grasped by arms,
Which used to hug me,
Now force a strangle.
Oh, how the world has flipped over.

Here I fall.
I am falling,
But which way is down,
And which way is up?

The masks they wear,
Which seem so real;
Taken so far,
As to be sown into their skin.

So do I float?
When they hold me above,
To swaddle me with their lies.

When reality,
Is truly so far away.
When they glare with hate,
But smile at me.

I am like clay.
All people here are like clay.
Easy to ply with, and easy to twist.

As we all are,
As we fall victim,
To a predator hidden to us.

Told, we were,
You were told to be a leader.
You were told to us,
To fix this splintered world.

We are your prey.
You played with us,
To make us supple to your words.

Fed, we have been;
Spoon fed.
Told to not lift a finger.
Told to become nothing more than a slop.

Slops, you make us out to be.
Slops, are easily fed.
Slops, are easy to make entitled.
Slops, are easily made to fall, and stay down.

You told us we were all special,
But this was another lie;
Another tactic to dumb us up.

Some claim to be great,
But "great" can only be defined,
When another deems you ready.

Is not called by one's own self.
When it is,
It stays nothing more than a lie.

Great they were,
The people true to that title;
The people who made our world.

Great you are.
You have played us all.
You have played us, the starving people.

So here we fall.
With our greedy hands,
Prying to the sky.

To properly think for ourselves.

Our mouths,
Are all truly your mouth.
Our words,
Are all truly your words, being repeated.

The weak,
Are like clay.
Easy to ply with,
Easy to bend into a shape.

You have bent us out to what you want,
You promise to spoon feed us directly,
All the while plying us to benefit you.

I am down.
However now how am I to know,
What way is up, or what way is down?

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