Chapter Three: Untied Grip

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Your questions,
They confuse me.
Your answers,
They confuse me more.

Am I just too dumb; too frail,
To understand your words?
Do my "mistakes",
Allow for you to forget who I am?



  As we approach the building, awe continues to flourish inside me. This was the first building I have seen here. It looks to be a very important building, as well. It must have been a royal's home, or at the very least just some government official. Why else would someone, or someones, build this thing with gold in it?

  "Woah," I murmur; mainly to myself. What if someone else still lives here? — Someone important?

  Now, I sound like... I sound like someone. Again, that feeling of cold betrayal, sadness, pain, but also a longing for this someone, comes to me. I cannot place my finger on who they may be. I am just about as dumb as a rock when it comes to remembering, at the moment. Whoever this person was, was someone very dear to past-me.

  August opens the door to the building. The thoughts that clouded my mind of that person, disappear. The inside of this place is very disappointing. The outside is definitely more impressive than this.

  Furniture is bashed up inside, almost as if a fight went on in here. Stairs lead to an upstairs, although they have broken just about halfway to the top, and splintered down on the first floor. The floors are bare from anything, and everything, fancy. A ruined, once-red carpet lays the way for us. A few couches sit to the left of me, by patched-up windows. A small, possible kitchen is to my right. Cabinets, and one singular table with no chairs is all that remains.

  A door straight ahead leads to a farm. Not a very big one, but a medium-sized one. One good enough to feed a small family.

  A girl strides about in this farm. The first thing I notice about her is her bright red hair. It looks like a fire, and it may just be the one that took out this world.

  She notices August, and then me. August slides me off onto one of the couches. I let out a loud wince as I hit it. The rough, worn out texture is far from comforting. A few pieces of fabric were sown in, from what I infer to be patches...?

  The girl strides over to us. I feebly put my hands over the stab wound. I don't really know what I was trying to accomplish. Maybe to make myself look less weak.

  "Who is this?" She barks out, to both August and me. I am guessing that this is April.

  He speaks slowly; like talking to young children. "April, this is C. C, this is April,"

  She stares me down with hard, green eyes. "C?"

  I give a small nod. "...Mhm,"

  I feel quite embarrassed. She probably does not like liars either. No one likes liars. She is really intimidating. What if she were to walk over to me, and just snap my head off? I do not want anymore enemies, if August considers me an enemy even though he saved me.

  April rolls her eyes. "Now that, is one strange name."

  I nod again. This is getting awkward, and I still feel at risk of being thrown out. "Are you and August siblings?"

  August opens his mouth to speak, but April quickly cuts him off, "August! You truly are useless. First, you let some random stranger into our house. Then, you told her your name! Also my name!"

  I speak up. The risk of me being thrown out is increasing. "I— I can help out!"

  "Really?" She raises an eyebrow.

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