Chapter 6

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I wake up disoriented. Oh, no. Did I go home with someone? Where am I? I slide my hands around in the sheets, looking for my phone. I see some mail on the end table and the name reads 'Jack Evans'. Coincidentally, we have the same last name. I poke my head out of the room to the smell of smoking bacon.

I slowly emerge from the bedroom, the scarcity of decor a bit troubling. It feels barren. I stumble around, looking for my phone.

"Oh, good you're up!" I hear a voice and decide to follow it. The man hands me a T-shirt and shorts to change into. "Sorry, I ain't got anything as fancy as what you're sporting."

"This is fine, thank you." I respond, wondering if I can trust this stranger. I find the bathroom and change into the borrowed garments. I wash my face, using the leftover water on my hands to smooth my hair into a presentable updo. I roamed back into the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I slept on the couch." He stabs the bacon with a fork, flipping it sloppily.

"Thank you, I was afraid to ask. I don't remember much of last night." I stammered in relief, sitting at the table.

"No worries." He assured me, slapping the bacon on two plates. I don't know what is wrong with me. And what happened to Silver? So many questions and my tummy grumbles of starvation. Guess I skipped dinner last night.

"Here you go." He places a plate of eggs and bacon along with coffee on the table.

"Thank you.. Jack? You've been very accommodating. This is like my ideal morning, minus the hangover." We laugh.

"Yeah, my name's Jack." He confirms as we eat our food and make smalltalk.

"Do you sing professionally?"

"No. I write songs, but don't really sing." I admit.

"This must be fate then!"

"Huh?" He yanks my hand, dragging me to a room full of music equipment. It was like a dream come true. "What's all this?"

"I write music!" He exclaims.

My eyes fill with amazement. I think I'm still sleeping. I pinch my arm. Nope, awake. This is my shot. I look around in awe at the instruments.

"Do you know how to play?" He picks up a guitar.

"No. Never had the money growing up to buy instruments." I stammered.

"Would you like to learn?" He gestures for me to sit on the piano bench with him.

"I'd love to!" I marveled.

Jack starts teaching me some basic chords. For some odd reason, I feel at ease around him. Almost like I knew him in another life.

"Make sure you keep your fingers taut on the strings." His calloused hand adjusts mine. I strum the surprisingly melodious chord. "Good, now put them together." I play the notes one after the other. It's pretty choppy but it's a start.

"Where did you learn to play?" I query.

"My dad's a rich snob. He wanted to make sure I tried every sport and activity until I found something I was good at. Then he exploited me. And now I'm living in this crappy apartment, working at a bar, trying to pay my way through college."

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