Chapter 7

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Adelaide's blank expression sits behind a plexiglass wall. Her hand never reaches for the phone. The light that lived in her eyes before is now absent. I long for the girl who played with my makeup, but she has abandoned me. This despondent stranger has taken over.

"Don't forgive me."


My puffy eyes burst open, tears falling without permission. I roll over, stuffing my face into the pillow. After a few moments of mentally preparing my day, I sit up and stretch my arms. A yawn escapes as I grab my phone.

"Let me take you out." A text reads. Probably the man who sent the roses. It's a kind gesture despite the creepy execution. However, the mystery filled me with a subtle anticipation.

"Beau? Where?" I respond, my heart audibly thumping in my ears as I roll onto my back again, kicking my legs into the air.

"Just be ready at 6:00 p.m. I'll send a car for you."

I lay there, apprehensive but eager to find out who my secret admirer is. I'm usually not spontaneous but after playing it safe my whole life and getting nowhere, I feel more accepting of the unknown. I set my phone down next to me, grabbing a pen off of the nightstand to draw on my thigh. Some time passes as I finish up my masterpiece; wisteria vines. A tattoo I'd like to get someday in memory of my mom, her favorite flower.

Knock knock knock

My eyes dart towards the door, not expecting to be interrupted on a Sunday morning. I hobble to the door, trying to avoid a spasm in my hamstring. I twist the handle and low and behold, Dean with his hands in his pockets wearing a smug smile.

"What do you want?" I groaned, rubbing the back of my leg.

"Cute drawing. We should talk about last night." His smooth voice purred. I open my mouth but he pulls a hand out of his pocket to trace over my hip. I bite the inside of my cheek as static fills my body. I hate that his touch does this to me. "I like the way your lips taste on mine." He pulls his other hand out, sliding a finger over my curves and up to my chin. One hand tilts my head up as the other closes the gap between our bodies. My trembling frame betrays me, showing him every touch weakens my guard.

"There's nothing to talk about. It was a mistake." I insisted, rather unconvincingly. He knew my words held no weight. "We can't– we can't do this. I have a date tonight." His body halted and face went blank.

"When you figure out what you want, I'll be here." His gaze deepened. His lips graze my cheek, trailing to my ear. "But I won't wait forever." He warned in a low tone. I felt the pads of his fingers trail down my neck slowly. He breathed against my neck, almost like he was contemplating devouring it. Then he just left. I stood there, overtaken by desperation.

I fixed myself up in the mirror before barreling down the stairs, hoping to find some leftover food in the kitchen for a late breakfast. Jane was sitting at the table eating a stack of pancakes while staring at the wall. I felt compelled to be there for her, not able to offer anything more.

"Hey, Jane. How are you?" I asked, grabbing my own plate of pancakes and sitting next to her.

"All things considered, I'm okay. I've been thinking—" she paused, wondering if her thought was valid enough to say aloud.

"I won't judge." I reassured, touching her arm to show my genuity.

"I don't want to seem crazy. Because I'm not. I just have a lot going on. I mean we didn't even want a baby," she cut herself off again, covering her face with both hands. I adjust my body towards hers.

"Jane, I can't begin to imagine how much your head is spinning. You've been through a lot in the past week. But, be honest with yourself. What is it that you're wanting to say that you're scared of?" She removed her hands and I grabbed one.

"I think I should put the baby up for adoption. I want them to grow up in a two-parent household and I am not in a good place mentally or physically. I have no home and Caleb completely bailed." She confessed, tears falling freely.

"If that's what you think is best for you and the baby. But if there's even a small part of you that thinks otherwise, ponder on it a little longer. It's a huge life altering decision either way." I squeezed her sweaty palm supportively. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Thank you, Rosemary. You're a good friend." She wiped her tears and took one last bite before getting up to wash her dishes. I start eating my pancakes and hear her yelp.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just the baby kicking." She giggled looking down, rubbing her stomach as if it'd be the last time. I want her to be okay. But I don't think that'd be possible anytime soon.

"Whatever you need, I'm here for you." I expressed. Her cheeks lifted as she gave me a tired smile.


It was 5:30 p.m. and I was frantically throwing my clothes around looking for the perfect outfit to wear. I shook my head with dismay. I wanted something breathtaking but also soul snatching. A silk, floor length crimson dress catches my attention. I step into it, slipping the spaghetti straps over my shoulders. Struggling with the zipper, I poke my head out of my room scanning for anyone to possibly help.

"Beth, oh thank God. Can you help me real quick?" She scrunches her face in confusion, walking over.

"With what– oh!" She realizes I'm holding the back of my dress together. I turn around for her to zip it up. "You look dazzling! I'm guessing Mr. Pierce asked you out finally." She finished zipping and removed stray hairs off my back.

"What?" I questioned making her go wide-eyed.

"Nothing, never mind. I have to go. Have fun!" She hurried away leaving me to my thoughts. I roll my eyes, once again getting caught up in my boss's drama. I so badly wanted to hate him.

I finish getting ready and head outside. A white limousine is parked outside the gates and the driver waves me down. A cheeky smile popped onto my face as I raced towards the extravagant vehicle. The driver opens the door for me to get in and I sit down, filled with exhilaration.

Some anxiety inducing time passes as the car comes to a stop. I feel a tingling sensation in my abdomen as my door opens for me. I fixed myself up one last time before getting out. I look up to see what appears to be some sort of lounge. I can hear the live music reverberating through the walls. The modernistic sign reads, 'Melodies'.

There was a very tall and alluring man with a welcoming grin standing in front of the doors. I immediately cleared my throat, swallowing hard. He strolled towards me holding his palm out. His dark eyes flickered with ardor as I placed my hand in his and he set a delicate kiss upon it. The smile returning to his radiant cheeks. He was a bit older. His black hair was slicked back with highlights of silver. This man's demeanor alone could make me fall hard.

"Hello, beautiful. When I heard the way my son spoke about you, I just had to meet you for myself."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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