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"Wait, Connor!" Troye yelled after him. He stopped briefly when he heard his name but resumed his walking. "Are you okay?" Troye said when he finally caught up with him. Connor remained silent. His eyes seemed lost in the distance and his ears were ringing. Anxiety was eating him up from the inside. He couldn't even form proper thoughts. He felt incredibly numb.

After five minutes of walking, he finally stopped not really knowing where to go and what to do with himself. Troye was walking next to him, not daring to utter a word. However, after ten minutes of standing in the middle of the street, Troye called a cab and took Connor back to his apartment. Connor wasn't even aware of his own movements, he just let Troye take care of his body while his mind was lost in a blindingly white room.

Troye tried to move Connor as graciously as possible but it was difficult since Connor didn't put any effort in moving his limbs. Troye struggled a little bit but he finally got Connor out of the cab and into his house. There he just let Connor's body plop on the sofa.

Troye didn't know what to do. He had never been in a situation like that and Connor wasn't giving him any information on how to help him so the first thought that popped into his head was make a hot beverage. He glanced at the body that was lying almost lifeless on his couch and moved to the kitchen. He turned on the kettle and took out two mugs from the cupboard. But when he moved to find the teabags, one of the mugs fell to the ground and broke in a million pieces. Troye sighed audibly and proceeded to pick up the pieces.

"Shit!" Troye uttered, frantically looking for a piece of paper to clean the blood that covered his hand. Connor immediately moved from his position on the sofa when he heard his screech.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked while he moved quickly to the kitchen. Shock paralyzed Troye for a few seconds when he saw him finally speaking and moving. Connor went to clean Troye's hands but when he came in contact with the blood, fear took over his thoughts reminding him of what he would probably had to do in the future. And when the smell of blood reached his nose, everything went black.


Connor's eyes finally fluttered open and relief washed over Troye.

"Hey" Troye said softly. "How are you feeling?"

After Connor had fainted, he moved fast enough to catch him before his head hit the floor. He freaked out a little bit and cleaned himself up before doing anything else, putting his thoughts in order at the same time. Then, he had moved Connor to the couch and sat on the floor watching him while he hit his face softly to see if he woke up. Eventually, he did.

Connor looked around confusedly and moved up with a violent movement.

"Please, don't move so harshly. You're okay." Troye said, pushing him down on the couch again. Connor's features relaxed and looked intently at the gentle boy.

"Thank you, Troye, I was scared for a second there."

"Don't worry." He said caringly. "You scared me. What happened? Can I do anything to help?"

"It was the blood." Connor bluntly spilled the truth. He couldn't stop himself before saying that and he didn't exactly regret it. His vulnerable state made it hard for him to filter his own words, however, he was able to stop himself before he further explained what happened.

"Oh, I have taken care of that already. You don't have to worry about seeing blood anymore." A smile crept on Troye's face and his hand moved comfortingly to Connor's chest.

The warmth coming from Troye's hand soothed Connor. He didn't want to move but he had to. He didn't want to worry him anymore. He moved himself slowly in a sitting position and Troye's warmth disappeared from his chest. A small smile settled on his face when he saw Troye's worry fade. He patted the space next to him so that Troye would move from his uncomfortable position on the floor. Troye immediately moved next to him, not daring to move too close but wanting to be as comforting as possible. Connor noticed his uneasiness and scooted closer to him, taking his hand in his as he usually did with Ricky when he looked for reassurance and comfort. Troye's cheeks reddened at the situation but his hands didn't jerk away.

A relaxing silence crowded the room and made the situation more intimate. Connor finally decided to move even closer to Troye to rest his head on his shoulder. A content sigh left Troye's lips when that happened and he felt at peace. However, that peace didn't last long, Connor's phone emitted a sound again. That sound brought Connor back to his professional self. He moved from Troye's touch and looked at the ID caller. It was the same number as before but he couldn't react the same way he previously did so he didn't answer it. What is more, if he answered a personal phone call, he could earn a dangerous scolding from his client. And he couldn't risk that. He had screwed up too many times.

Troye was curiously eying Connor, trying to figure out what was going on with him and the person at the other end of the line. He wasn't able to understand why Connor's mood changed so rapidly when a simple call came in. What had happened between that person and Connor? Troye's mind obviously moved to think that it was one of Connor's exes with whom things didn't go so well. He felt the need to comfort him and tell him that everything was going to be fine. On the other hand, Troye also thought that it could be something worse. Maybe someone was spying Connor or harassing him. A bit of panic rose within Troye but he managed to keep it in the down low for Connor. He wanted to ask him about it but he was too scared.

"Connor," Troye reached out for Connor's hand. "you can talk to me if you need to."

"I'm not ready." Connor sent him a sorry smile but Troye beamed at him anyway.

"How do you feel about going outside to clear and cleanse our minds?"

"That sounds great."

A/N: I think we can all agree that I am a mess when it comes to updating but here we are.

Oh, btw, I am incredibly happy about the legalization of same-sex marriage in the US!

And today is the day it's been a decade since it was legalized here, in Spain!

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