Street lights

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"So?" A faint but nervous laugh left Troye's mouth.

Sensing Troye's nervousness, Connor decided to take control over the situation. He took his hand and made him glide towards the bed. They sat there in complete silence for a few minutes, Connor's confidence having disappeared the moment they touched the bed.

"Can we be completely clear about the situation we're in?" Troye carefully asked, Connor nodded not daring to look his way. "I'll go first." He breathed in and quickly breathed out an "I like you" while he nervously played with his own hands.

Connor felt relief when he heard those three simple words. Those three words that meant so much in that specific situation as well as in the bigger picture. He remained speechless for a while, Troye growing more and more anxious over his lack of response.

Connor was completely gone inside his head, dreading to say the same words back because he knew that his client's interests and his own were going to create a mix that he wasn't sure he would be able to control. His initial relief became numbness when the idea of manipulation and control entered his thoughts. Numbness was easier than worry- way easier. He was just going to go with it while he formulated a plan in his head. Suddenly, he also started to be aware of Troye's nervousness, a thin layer of sweat starting to cover his forehead.

"I guess it is my turn to talk." Troye let out his breath quite loudly, seemingly relieved because he was finally saying something. Connor decided to let himself go. "I genuinely enjoy your company, which is not such a usual thing for me. I like the way you are nice to everyone, including your fans. When I first saw you interact with them, I was astounded. It feels like it's natural to you to treat everyone nicely, like you don't feel superior to them in any way." Troye started to feel his cheeks reddening, embarrassment replacing nervousness. "Your relationship with your friends is also really inspiring to me. You have managed to create a solid friendship group and I envy it because I only have Ricky and a couple of other people but we always get together separately. You also have a healthy relationship with your family and it's obvious that you love them dearly. You-"

"Please stop." Troye finally looked at him with curiosity. "I don't know how to feel about you saying all those nice things about me."

"Well, you should have let me finish. I was just going to say that I like you too." Connor beamed. "But I still think that it was kind of obvious, I mean, I asked you if I could kiss you. I don't think I could get more obvious than that." Connor snickered out and soon enough Troye joined him.

"I don't think I could get any more obvious than I was. It's so embarrassing to think about how awkward and weird I was the first time we were alone together." The Australian added, still laughing.

When their laughter died down, a calming silence flooded the room. The light coming in through the window from the streetlights being the only light in the room, creating a warm atmosphere around them.

"So..." Connor eventually said, trying to come up with something else to say.


"Are we actually doing that again?" Connor chuckled. Troye shook his head.

"Well, we have established that we like each other. Do you want to do something about that?" Troye stated, hope evident in his words.

"Well... Do you?"

"Yes. But I asked you first, you know." He replied rapidly.

"I do want to do something about it too. What should we do?"

"I think we should test it out first. Get to know each other better. Spend more time alone." Hesitation was evident in his words.

"I agree and I don't want to screw this up because I truly really like you." A genuine smile appeared on his face as he admired Troye's gentle features.

"I think we shall go eat with our friends now."

"I guess they are going to be really interested in what we've been doing in here for so long."

He caressed up and down Troye's arm as he leaned in to kiss him. Troye immediately picked up and mimicked his actions. Their kiss was soft and caring. Connor's arms tightened around Troye's frame in a protective manner, making him melt with happiness and letting his emotions out for display, for him to see how much he cared.

"Now, something has actually happened for them to talk about." Troye added once they stopped kissing, making Connor laugh.

A/N: This update is a bit shorter than usual but I had to cut it there. I also feel like this update is cheesier than usual because  CatchmebySurprise and I had a fangirling session yesterday over Blue and I've had their latest album on repeat since then and their cheesy songs have affected me. Btw, you all should check out her profile and read Press Rewind. (even though I guess that all of you have already read it bc that shit is good)

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