New client

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As it happened every Monday morning, Connor walked to his boss' office to find what he was supposed to do that week. As it also always happened, Connor found himself thinking about his next client. He ended up thinking about someone exciting, someone difficult to handle because he was starting to feel bored. It was always the same: some old influential white man who wanted him to get rid of someone who wasn't even that dangerous. He didn't exactly enjoy his job but he was well aware that he was good at it. He dreamt about something more exciting because this job paid well and he wasn't good at anything else. He liked things like music and photography but he couldn't picture himself living off of that.

When he got to his boss' office, he knocked on the door and turned the knob to see his boss waiting for him. The relatively small room was completely illuminated by the sun entering from the windows. His boss was sitting in his fancy black office chair looking more worried than usual.

"Good morning, Franta. Please, come in." He said as Connor stepped in. They called each other by their last names even though they were actually friends. They liked to keep everything professional when it involved work.

"Good morning, Mr. Oakley. What are the instructions for this week?" His boss looked straight into his eyes before answering.

"Well, this week is going to be different for you. You are actually going to perform two tasks instead of just one." He said with a serious tone that didn't fail to make Connor a little nervous. "I know that you don't like to overwork yourself because it might make you look suspicious but you are my best employee and we have an incredibly important client this week. Therefore, I want my best man to do the job."

Connor cannot help to smile a little at that before saying: "So, do they want the job to be fast, then?"

"Not particularly. The first client wants everything to be taken care of before Wednesday so it is going to be fast. The thing is that our second client has some specific requests which are all written here." He said as he handed Connor a small black notebook. Connor took it with some hesitation; he opened it and realized that there was a lot of information.

"I'll get to it as soon as possible." Connor said while trying to look as confident as he could.

"Franta, the thing is that the client keeps insisting that he doesn't want you to go all the way through." Connor gave him a confused look.

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"From what he has told me, you just have to get close to the target. Get as close as humanly possible. Listen to me: this client is really powerful, you cannot screw this up. If you do, we are all probably to appear dead one morning and no one is going to look for our murderer. Do you understand how important this is?"

Connor let shock show on his face for a split second before realizing that their lives were in his hands. "Yes, I understand."

"I have chosen you because I know that you are less likely to fuck this up. I really need to do this the right way." He had never seen his boss look this scared which was making him feel even more focused to properly get the job done.

"You won't be disappointed."

"I truly hope so. The client will contact you through this phone. He will probably send you new instructions on Wednesday since I have informed him that you have another client this week." Connor grabbed the cell phone from the table and went straight out the door trying to focus on how he got his wishes to come true: he was finally doing something different and exciting.

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