After all this time

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The First Night" by Monica played at an appropriate volume as I was desperately trying to do something with my mess of hair. After several attempts, I decided to just let my hair sit in a big 'fro—my signature look. I remember getting teased about having big hair as a child, but eventually, I grew to love it.

I would occasionally look over to my sleeping son, and a chuckle escaped my mouth as I looked back at how wild of a sleeper he is. Yes, he had his room, but like a child clinging to his papa, he always found his way into my bed.

I was broken out of my thoughts as I heard a knock on my door, and confusion was evident on my face because who would be at my door at this hour. As I made my way to the door, I looked through the peephole and could barely make out who it was because he was so tall. When I opened my door, I was greeted with my ex, or shall I say baby father.

Out of instinct, I tried to hurriedly close the door, only for him to put his very big feet, making my door come to a stop. After many tries and pleads, he had finally made his way through my door.

"Why are you here? Get out before I call the police!" I shouted with heated anger.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see, but please hear me out," he pleaded.

"Why the hell would I do that? Did you hear me out when you put me through all that bullshit? Get to stepping before I lose my cool, real talk!"

I was past angry; many questions raided my mind as to how and why he was here. More importantly, how the hell did he find me? Him being here brought back all the past trauma that I had to endure.

I had met Marcus my freshman year of college. He was an asshole at first, but as I got to know him, I saw the better half of him. I should've known he only wanted to get in my pants, and me being naive and dumb, I let him. I should've left him alone, but when I fall in love, I fall hard, so it's always easier said than done. He may have never laid a finger on me, but all the verbal abuse I had to endure from him messed me up in the worst way.

He was an expert when it came to gaslighting. He would blame me for his wrongdoings every time, never would he take accountability for his actions. One night, I had walked in on him having sexual interaction with my so-called best friend, and to say I was heartbroken and shocked would be an understatement. You would think they would plead and beg for my forgiveness, but instead, they taunted me, and neither of them was regretful.

You would probably think it stopped there, but the teasing never stopped. Myra would often tease me about how she stole my man, and he encouraged her. For a while, I was the topic of everybody's conversation.

When I found out I was with child, I made the decision to drop out of college and take care of my growing child. I hated giving my virginity to him, but I would never regret my son.

"Look, I know I wronged you, but please just hear me out, man. I know I fucked up, just let me talk, please."

"Look, I'm about five seconds from taking care of you myself. I don't want to hear shit you got to say; you can keep your sorries. I don't want to hear it!"

Feeling a tug at my pajamas, I looked down at the big eyes of my son. All sense of anger had washed down, and I had momentarily forgotten about the big asshole that was in front of me.

"Papa, what's wrong? I heard you yelling; are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

As I looked at Marcus, I could see the gears in his head working, and his eyes seemed to get bigger as he came to a realization.

My son finally looked up at Marcus, and this was one of the times I hated how smart he was for his age. His big doe eyes had become two sizes bigger, and he started to move slowly towards his father.

"Why do you have eyes like mine?" Sean said curiously.

Before Marcus could respond, I was pushing him out of my door. I know I was being selfish for keeping him from his father, but anyone would probably do the same if they were in my position. I didn't need him then and damn sure don't need him now. He can go back to where he came from.

After an hour of Marcus knocking on my door, he had finally left, and I couldn't help the tired sigh that left my mouth. I needed time and needed to think long and hard about this. I know my child, and I know he won't let this go. He most likely knows that's his father, but I'm not ready for that yet. Maybe someday, he would understand.

 Maybe someday, he would understand

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