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The next Day (Wedding/Neverland), Landon and Greta are laying in their bed, and the sheet is on the floor and Landon is awake but Greta is sleeping peaceful and Greta begins to wake as she hears someone outside and she hears their room went open and then her father Neal came it and did loud noise that cause Henry and Ella wake up in the other room, saying little bit longer Greta sees Neal is wearing formal wedding clothes Greta said

'Good morning Dad'

Greta is looking at her father, Neal and he said

'Time to get up'

Greta watched as her father exited the room, then turned to see Landon still sleeping. She gently patted his shoulder and said, "Babe, it's time to wake up." As Landon began to stir, he flashed her a smile and greeted her with, "Good morning, Belle." Returning his smile, Greta leaned in and planted a kiss on his left cheek, urging him, "Time to get up."

Greta got out of bed, and she put on her formal wedding clothes and Landon did the same Greta went out of the room that he and Ella. Greta went into the room, and Greta sees Ella, she said

'Oh good how did you sleep?

Greta yawn as she rub her left eyes, and lick her bottom lips because they were dry and Greta said

'Okay, I was sleeping okay until my dad came in'

Greta sees Ella, is smiling and then laugh, and told her same Greta watches as Ella got on her knees on the floor, and she brought out the box and Greta turn around, as she knows that Ella is getting dress Greta turn around, and gasp with shock. Ella is wearing pale blue dress like Cinderella and Jasmine from Aladdin and Greta said

'Oh don't forgot the shoes'

Greta knelt down, her heart pounding with anticipation, and retrieved a small box from beneath her. Rising to her feet, she handed the box to Ella with a warm smile. As Ella opened it, her eyes widened with delight.

 "Oh Greta, thank you," she exclaimed, her voice filled with gratitude. Greta watched as Ella fought back tears, her emotions evident despite her efforts to maintain her composure.

"It's okay, Ella. You're family," Greta reassured her, her own eyes glistening with emotion.

Ella and Greta stepped out of the room, the cool forest air enveloping them as they left the house behind. As they ventured further into the forest, Greta took the lead, her senses on high alert. Walking beside her mother, Emma, Greta scanned the surroundings, noticing numerous unfamiliar faces among the gathered crowd. Among the murmurs of conversation, she heard a voice calling out,

"Where's Ella?"

There is a sounds like clip, clip as glass are falling on the stairs steps, but it Ella's glass highs and both Emma and Greta saw Ella, and Ella is wearing a blue dress that sparkles like Cinderella's, with her hair cascading down her shoulders. She watches Ella step onto the ballroom floor, holding her dress delicately, her eyes scanning the room with a worried expression.

Ella walks through the crowd, and there are two guards nearby the stairs, dressed in dark purple uniforms, looking serious. Greta sees Henry wearing a blue shirt with a brown belt, holding a glass of champagne. Ella searches for Henry, and Greta watches as he points discreetly behind Ella. She turns around, and Greta moves closer, grabbing a drink and taking a sip as she hears her brother say,

"May I have this dance?"

Greta watches as Ella and Henry stand close to each other. Ella politely declines Henry's invitation, mentioning that dancing isn't really her thing. Henry responds with understanding, acknowledging her preference. She watches as Henry pulls out a blue flower and remarks,

"Brought your lucky flower..."

Greta gazes at the hyacinth her brother is holding, its delicate blue petals captivating her attention. Henry identifies the flower, saying,

"A hyacinth."

Greta is mesmerized by the beauty of the hyacinth, its hue reminiscent of the sky on a clear day. She hears Henry's words, "One day," echoing in her mind, filling her with a sense of hope and anticipation for the future.

Greta feels like someone is watching them and she turn around but it was only the crowds and she went to look at Henry and Ella are dancing Greta looks at her father Neal, and he is watching them too and Greta went by Landon's side, and they dance too as Neal is watching them Greta sees her father, come up to her and she hears

'May I have this dance?



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