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Greta's gaze met James's with a mix of determination and anticipation. She nodded in agreement as he expressed his desire for revenge on the king of Neverland.

 With a hopeful smile, Greta replied, "Sounds like a plan, James.". Greta turn around, and she walks to Landon, and they sit on the barrels and cuddle and they felt someone is watching them and William went to James, and he is holding onto the wheel and someone nick a bean from William and he said

Hey! Hey!

Greta observed as William attempted to acquire the bean from the man, his determination evident in his actions. Despite initial resistance, the man eventually relented and handed the bean over to William.

 Meanwhile, James observed the interaction with a critical eye, his voice commanding as he addressed William.

"Let me tell you how it works on my ship," James asserted firmly. "I make the demands. You follow them. The bean's now mine."

His words carried the weight of authority, leaving no room for negotiation or defiance. William is looking at James, James is wearing black jacket that's long, and William is looking at James and then Greta and Landon, and William went to look at James, James said

What if I was to tell you I was about to set sail to a land where none of us will ever grow old? Where I an discover how to get my revenge on Peter pan'

Both Landon and Greta observed James and William engaged in conversation, their attention drawn to William's response. Notably, William was without his signature hat atop his head, his expression betraying a sense of contentment.

"I'd say I could live with that," William remarked with a smile, indicating his satisfaction with James's proposal.

As Greta observed James and William conversing, she couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity that washed over her upon hearing William's name. She glanced over at Landon, hoping for some clarification, only to hear the name

 "William Smee" uttered from his lips. Confusion creased her brow as she tried to recall where she had heard that name before. William, noticing his distinctive red hat adorning the head of one of the shipmates, couldn't resist a light-hearted quip.

 "Can I have my hat back?" he jested, a playful glint in his eye as he gestured toward the sailor.

William is looking James, and James gestures for the shipmate to give William his hat. The shipmate throws it at William, and he hears well, Mr. Smee. William puts on his hat as Greta and everyone hears Jame's voice as opera voice and he says welcome aboard everyone

Forever LostTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang