Chapter 62 : Before The Dawn

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"You don't fool me Count. How long has it been since we've met? Decades? Centuries?"

"Look man I'm not who you think I am. Do you even know where you are? What's your name?"

The man squints his eyes and tenses his hand. Wires wrapped around Invincible's torso splitting him in half but the halves don't get the chance to hit the ground before tendrils from both grabbed onto each other and reattached the two halves together. The man didn't look surprised by the development.

"Then how do you explain your undeath? Do you underestimate me that much that a slight change like that would hide you!?"

Wires wrapped themselves on all of Invincible's limbs and tried to twist them off but the limbs don't move. In fact, they don't get anywhere further than the green armor that surrounds him as they snap when Invincible swings his arms. The man shocked forms his wires into a spear and stabs at Invincible but it stops when it lands on Invincible's chest and unravels. Invincible's eyes gain a red vertical pupil.


The man freezes in place his head still able to move. Invincible places his hand on the altar and the room morphs giving the both of them a seat.


Robotically the man sits down with a scowl on his face.

"What is your name?

The man is compelled to answer.

"Walter C. Dornez."


"Who is Alucard?"

"He is a true vampire. The first to exist. Once known as Vlas Tepes."


'Dracula is real? Who would have thought.'

"You've answered my question. It's fair that you ask yours."

"And why should I Monster? Just kill me and get it over with. I'm sure Integra would be happy to see my corpse."

"Nobody is dying today. I already beat everyone in the CRC and I just need to figure out why they have you down here and been apparently feeding you people with mutation quirks. Speaking of the CRC give me a moment."

A warp gate opens behind Invincible as he leaves a confused Walter stuck to a chair. After a few minutes Invincible returns to an annoyed Walter still in his chair.

"Hopefully letting you sit there cooled you down. Now do you have any questions?"

"... Who are you?"

"I'm Izuku Midoriya otherwise known as the hero Invincible."

"What year is it?"

"It's 2159 13th March."

Walter stays silent for a moment.

"Are we in Japan?"

"Yes, we are."

"You teleported before. How?"

"I have a quirk which creates warp gates that allow for instantaneous travel across any distance."

"Quirk not power or ability?"

"You don't know about quirks? You must have been in there for quite a while then. Quirks are abilities manifested at the age of 4 for 80% of the population with the percentage still rising. They can range from a basic strength enhancer to matter manipulation. Everyone born in the last century should know of the term so I assume you're a lot older than you look."

"I was born after the Great War in 1930."


"You really are an old timer. How have you survived until now? Does it have anything to do with your quirk factor?"

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