1/The beginning

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"And the winner of the "JYP's New Legend" is..KARMA!!"

There were a lot of lights and voices screaming, while y/n was standing there with tears in her eyes not knowing if she should have cried or smiled. Her members were shocked too and they looked all at Susan, the leader, who looked at the floor trying not to cry.

Then Susan wrapped her arms around them all, forming a big and warm group hug.
They all started to cry together while the voices started to be more clear.

"They had the highest vote from the jury and fans at home, congratulations!!"

Aiko and Olivia hugged each others crying and smiling, while Susan was trying so hard not to cry in front of her younger members.
Mitsuki, the maknae, lowered herself to the ground, covering her face with her hands, not showing her face as she cried.

Y/n froze as she looked at all the audience  cheering them up and she couldn't control her tears falling all over her cheeks.

————skip time————They still couldn't believe what happened and they would have never imagined to win and debut as the "new legends of the JYPE", but they did and now they were completely clueless

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————skip time————
They still couldn't believe what happened and they would have never imagined to win and debut as the "new legends of the JYPE", but they did and now they were completely clueless.
They only thing that they needed at that moment was to rest.

All the girl groups who competed with them were now congratulating them, as they walked out the building to go to the car that was waiting for them.

There were already a lot of paparazzi who were taking picture of them, but Y/n and the other members didn't mind because they were still too shocked and happy for their win.

They entered in the car with their managers and they all looked out at the people who were trying to get the close as possible to the car.

The car started to move and they looked at each others, except for Susan who looked out the window and covered her face with her hands, making sure to not get the other members' attention.

"We freaking did it!!" Olivia yelled as she smiled and looked at them all, then she turned to look at Aiko and took her by the shoulders and shook her gently.

"Yes, we made it!.." Aiko said with teary eyes, as she leaned to hug Olivia.
That was really sweet to see them hugging since Aiko doesn't like hugging people.

Y/n started crying and covering her face with her hands, as Olivia started patting her head and messing her hair.
"Stop crying, we won! You should have cried if we had lost dummy!" Olivia said sweetly as she caressed Y/n's head. Y/n laughed and wiped away her tears.

Mitsuki looked at Susan with teary eyes and pouted. "Susan? You okay?" she mumbled putting her hand on Susan's shoulder.

Susan wiped away her tears and turned to look at Mitsuki, then she forced a smile and put her hand on Mitsuki's one.
"Yeah, how are you? are you tired?" Susan asked to Mitsuki, as she tried not to talk about her feelings.

Mitsuki nodded but she noticed how Susan changed topic. She thought that Susan wasn't comfortable in talking about how she felt so Mitsuki hugged her to give her support without talking.

That hug meant 'i know you are suffering, i am here for you' and Susan understood it all, holding Mitsuki tighter.

————skip time————
They arrived to the JYP dorms and there were two big building: the one on the left were for girls and the one on the right were for boys.

They turned to the left, walking in the girls' one, as there were the boys groups, in the park that separated the two buildings, who were trying to look at the new girl group that just arrived.

The girls entered in the girls' building and a lot of girl groups were there to congratulate them.
Itzy, one of the girl groups, walked towards them and greeted them sweetly.
After some greetings the girls finally arrived to their dorm that were at the 5th floor and entered.
There were a big kitchen and living room, but there were 2 rooms that were not as much big.

The first room had two beds and Aiko and Olivia decided to stay there, then the second room had three beds and Susan, Mitsuki and Y/n stayed there.

1st room (Aiko and Olivia)

2nd room (Susan, Mitsuki and Y/n)

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2nd room (Susan, Mitsuki and Y/n)

~~Author's note~~Hii, this is the first part of the story and it's more about Y/n and her members to know better their group and their relationship

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~~Author's note~~
Hii, this is the first part of the story and it's more about Y/n and her members to know better their group and their relationship. I hope they can make you feel like family soon.
Btw THANKS FOR READING, i really appreciate it. Stay tuned for new chapters.

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