He's Really Gone

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Jazzmaine's  P.O.V

I cant believe he really gave up and acutually go prison that's not the Jacob I know. I really feel sorry for chi and she knows we here for her all the way. I just hate she see her like that its not cool. as chi us stood there on the cold hard ground watching her one and only love leave before her eyes really painful. I don't know what she's going through but all I know is that Jacob hay now created a monster

Christina: china, chi, chi, please answer me

china:*wipes tears and pulls away from chrissy* let me the fuck go *walks to the car and continue crying*

you: I spoke to fast way to fast.

Chi's P.O.V.

he's really gone he really left me what the fuck am  going to do .uhhhhhh I just cant believe this .the person I gave my virginity to that I shared my bitter sweet moments with . *thinks to myself* im really foolish to have a boyfriend that's going to leave me all over again.

taylor: *thinks to her self* I think Jacob did the right thing but still a bad one this is gonna bring the bad china out again. I am her best friend out of all the girls and I know all her secrets. she is gonna flip because she really loves him. let me start from the beginning . china was abused by her father she then moved with her mom that's when she met us, she was like a little emo kid always cutting up her hand drinking all the time and u always see her with a gun or a knife .her mother had to send her to a counsellor for her problem and she changed day by day bit by bit. eventually she was a normal kid but shy surprisingly. china was my bestfriend and I was hers I never told anyone my secrets except china and I hold hers in my heart. she really needs help before she trys to jump over board like the extreme

                   2 DAYS AFTER AT SCHOOL

you: I don't want to got to school but the girls made me . I already have plas for today. now I have to do them after school ,i was planning to visit the tower and go to the top and just sit at the edge and breeze out think about all that's gonna happen . mintues after** the bell rang and it was time for me to go to craig's class uhhh he's gonna watching me like a hawk and going to Jacob and telling him what I am doing or going to do shit I feel like I am in prison then uhhh.

taylor: chi u now that Christina I really bad at you for what u did yesterday.

you: *vex face* who gaves a shit what she thinks im just sick of everyone on my case.*enters class

craig: hello class

class: hello mr. William

craig : well today we are going........

you: *you interrupt * craig who cares shut the up

craig: I seemed like jaob rubbed on you a lot *teases her.

you: *takes it seriously and walks out class * im tired of this bull im done


you: im here on the edge of the building okay jaob left there is nother for me to live for he's never going to live up there with out ding. wait what the hell am I saying my boyfriend risked everything for me to have a better life and all I did was take it I never had faith in him he's not going to die unless im dead. Jacob is a boy who killed plenty policemen and got away with it so what the fuck am I really saying. I love him and he loves me I cant go back to my evil way unless the other half of m bipolar takes over and yes its possible.

jazzmaine : omg taylor she didn't do that did she

taylor : umm yhy she pretty much did

jazzmaine: I have to go find her *thinks to herself* shit shit shit she gon jump

you: as I was ready to get off jazzmaine came in and nearly made me jump

jazz: what the hell are you doing im not going through this again with you

you: just be cool I was about to go home

jazz: go home where in heaven that's what u think doing sucide gin get you there well your lil ass going herll

you: I know I am settled now so I have think over things and I am settled yes 9 have bipola but it only affects me when I get really depressed and stuff so u gootta watch over me okay.

jazz : okay girl don't do that shit again before I lose it


you: I am so glad I thought over things or else this would have been my last day on this earth, I was talking to taylor the whole time and she really settled me down until my mom gave me a letter and I marked Jacob , when I say it I nealy  cried but I held them in. I then opened it and it read.


china don't do anything that would hurt u for you know I a going to be here and I promise I will come back ,the boys will be keeping a good eye on you craig told me what you did and jazzmaine told craig that u nearly killed your self .china don't ever do that if you die my heart will die so as my body I will be no more please china please I am begging you I love you and don't u ever forget that babe\

                                                                                                                              yours truly

                                                                                                                               Jacob perez

when I read it I couldn't keep my  tears in I cried so hard the whole neighbourhood  hheard me . then my bipola got the best of me again and I wasn't good I eventually got the knife I hid in my closet and sit at the computer desk and cut myself the wrong place for purpose I for got all about the letter and I was filled of depression and fell on the ground uncontious.

jazz: I went to china's house to check up on her I knocked and her mother let me in then I went straight up In the room and say china on the ground I eventually fell next to her crying and shouted "ms morgan , ms morgan help help come quick " she came and found her dear daughter on the ground and called 911. the ambulance came and I was taken in as well for a seizer because I was in shock when I then blacked out in the van.

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