Do's and Don'ts in your Horse Menage

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Your horse arena surface, also known as a riding arena, is definitely more than nothing but a fenced place. It is not just an exercise area, but a place to make a strong bond with your horse and build the basis of athleticism. A main focus is always to create this area as a space where you and equine partner can both be safe, productive and happy. Therefore, some critical issues need to be addressed for that to become a reality. We offer here a complete guide to maximize the potential of your horse menage, exploring the essential do's and don'ts that will transform it into the best horse arena surface.


Get the Ground Right: Consider your horse's ground conditions. Such as, if you're into dressage, the footing should be flat and supportive. If you like jumping, it has to be softer because you are preparing to land softly. Consider the best horse arena surface mix of sand, fiber, and other materials to make an arena. And don't forget to treat it well as it needs a bit of dragging as well as watering to remain in good shape.

Warm Up and Cool Down: Just like when you need to stretch before physical exercise, horses should do the same as well. First practice easy walking and jumps, and then increase pace. When your horse is done riding, allow him to walk around to cool off and to relax his muscles.

Keep it Clean: It isn't just about the looks that cleaning up after your horse demands. It is very good for their health and everybody including you will feel more comfortable. Regular poop removal ensures the area is clean and is safe.

Be Courteous: If the arena is shared by others, then it is polite. Give each other a space irrespective of riding positions. And if you are doing lunging (turning horses around in circles using a long rope), use a separate area clearing the way of possible impasses.

Safety First: Safety is always the number-one concern, so make sure you check the arena for any dangers, like holes or broken equipment. Be sure that jumps are strong and keep inactive items in a secure place. The most crucial thing is making sure of your horse's safety.

Improve Lighting: The best horse arena surface is natural light, but adequate artificial lighting will help you a lot if it's dark. It has to be soft enough to not frighten the horses.

Think About Shelter: The shade is vital regardless of temperatures. Trees or even a cover will cool it down from the sun. Hence, an enclosed area is also very convenient during adverse weather conditions as you will still be able to ride.


Overdo it: Pay attention to your horse's energy level. Stretching too far may result in injuries.Take breaks when needed.

Leave Stuff Around: Clear the area of any obstacles like jumps and poles when you are not using them.It's safer that way.

Ride in Unsafe Conditions: If the stadium isn't secure, keep it off. Wrong treading and other defects can be the reason for accidents.

Forget Safety Gear: Never go without wearing a helmet, absolutely no exceptions. And lastly but not least good boots with grip are also necessary.

More tips

Mix it Up: Give your horse variety in your training program by employing different exercises.

Use Mirrors: Mirrors can be invaluable, helping you and your horse see if you are going at the right pace and what needs improvement.

Protect the Ground: If you look where the horse walks frequently, you will notice that the paths are destroyed. Placing down rubber plates can be an essential way of keeping the horse arena supplies surface even.

Get Used to Noises: The habituation of a horse towards various sounds will allow him to keep calm in any environment.

Stay Positive: Horses are great at being responsive to confidence. Patience and kindness are crucial attributes during the learning process.

Ask for Help: If you still have doubts, you can always approach a training team for assistance. They are skilled individuals that can offer useful tips that are specifically made for your horse.


In the end, Your horse and horse arena isn't just a place to do riding, but a place where you and your horse can build your skills, become stronger, and get to know each other better. This do's and doesn't provide a set of rules that should be followed and also includes additional tips that will help in creating conditions that will facilitate safety, performance and a great environment for both you and your equine buddy.

Do not forget that the happiness of your horse should be your priority. Make sure you provide enough best horse arena surface space for its hooves, warm up and cool down before rides, keep the surface clean, and be friendly to others using the arena. However, first and foremost safety should be observed. Therefore, the arena must be constantly inspected for any hazards safety kit, and horse arena supplies should be used all the time.

Besides, embrace changes, put up mirrors, protect the grounds, expose the horse to other sounds, maintain a good ambiance, and seek professional advice can as well help in making your time enjoyable in the arena.

With time and effort, your facility may in time be converted not only into a training facility, but also a sanctuary where you and your horse can bond even more, which will be a true accomplishment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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