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"No, Sam, for the last time, I can't ask her to train you as well," I whisper-shouted at the boy next to me. It turns out telling Sam that I'd managed to convince Wanda to teach me some self-defence was not a good idea. After the whole elbow-to-the-face incident, I thought it would be best to become slightly less useless. I had to promise to watch sitcoms with Wanda, but eventually, she agreed. A small price to pay to become even an inch as badass as Black Widow.

"Awww, come on, I'm sure she'd say yes," he pleaded, pulling at the leg of my chair so I was angled towards him. I dropped my pen and turned to give him an unimpressed look.

"Yeah, maybe if she knew that I've told you,"

"She doesn't know yet?" Sam said incredulously, his jaw dropping as if I'd just told him they remade the last episode of Killing Eve.

"No Sam, she doesn't know yet," I mocked, turning my chair back to the front so I could focus on my teacher, who was writing some kind of maths equation on the board.

"Don't you think you should tell her soon, just so she doesn't freak out."

I sighed and rubbed the back of my next, knowing Sam was probably right. I didn't want her to think I was scared of her, or that I thought she'd get annoyed if I told her. I trusted Wanda, and I didn't want her to distrust me.

"I'll talk to her about it next time I see her," I promised, not missing the excited look on my best friend's face. "But I can't promise that I'll bring up you two meeting straight away!"

Sam shrugged. "It's fine, we've got all the time in the world."

I nodded; it certainly felt like we did.

The bell rang, and we grabbed our stuff, making our way to the back of one of the school fields where we usually sat under the shade of a tree.

"So, is she actually a witch?"

I rolled my eyes before replying. "I don't know, Sam, honestly I don't really know that much about her."

It hurt to admit that, but it was true. I had told Wanda so much about myself, and yet I felt like her past was still a mystery to me.

"So you don't know if she can, like, make people fall in love with her?" He asked, grabbing a sandwich out of his bag and taking a bite. I did the same, thanking Aunt Julie for her amazing culinary skills.

"I'm sure she can."

"Do you think she's done something like that to you?" he questioned, his tone serious and his gaze unwavering.

I put my sandwich down and furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?"

"Well, she's lost everyone and, no offence, you're kind of an easy target," he replied, leaning back against the tree.

I rested against his side. "I get that it's hard to look past what she's done, but Wanda would never do something like that. She's risked her life here for me; she wouldn't do that if she was the monster the news painted her to be."

Sam nodded and passed me half of his KitKat in reparation. "I just want to look out for you, y/n."

"I know," I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

Heading back to class, I ignored the nagging feeling in my stomach. My heart knew that Wanda would never hurt be me, but my head was telling me that her influencing my emotions was still a possibility. She cared about me, that was for sure, but did I actually feel the same way?

"Alright class, please settle down," the teacher started, getting up from her super cool spinny chair. "I hope you've all had your permission slips signed for the trip tomorrow. There are still spaces on the coach for late admissions."

Sam and I were both pretty excited about the school trip to a museum down the mountain. It would have been the first time in months that I'd properly left the village. I loved living on a mountain, but sometimes I wished I could just leave.

"Y/n, I hope you know I plan on sneaking out to go to that comic shop down the road from the museum," Sam whispered, his expression dead serious. That comic shop was actually insane; there was no way we weren't going.

"I hope you know I'm coming with you," I whispered back, a grin tugging at my lips. There was no chance we could get past the security without making a scene, but that didn't mean we wouldn't try. Besides, it would all be worth it to get our hands on a first edition Iron Man comic. It felt slightly weird now that I knew someone who had worked with him, but that wouldn't stop me from buying it.

"Then I think we need to come up with a plan."

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