1. Almost There

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"Ariana!" My mom said shaking me, "It's time get up!"

"5 more minutes!" I said sleepily.

"No! Get up now."

I stood up and looked at the time.

"Mom! Where do we have to go at 5 O'CLOCK!" I say, wanting to sleep.

"You'll see. Just get dressed, grab a granola bar from down stairs and get into the car." she said and left the room.

I went into my closet and threw on my regular Saturday attire. A Disney shirt and some shorts. Today I went with my 'I'm 99% sure I'm a Disney princess' shirt that has a tiara on it.

I went downstairs and I saw my little sister Lia, just as confused as me.

"Daddy! I'm tired!" She yells.

"Oh well. If we don't leave soon we will be to late." dad replies.

After eating quickly, and being promised to get a better breakfast when we get to a first stop, I got into the car, followed by Lia.

On the way to wherever we were going I started thinking. Maybe we are going on a road trip. I mean, dad said first stop.

Or maybe we are visiting Aunt Nora, who lives in New Jersey. We could be stopping at that diner for breakfast.

Or we are going to some sale at Walmart. You never know.

"Are we there yet?" Lia yawned.

"Soon, honey, soon." Mom says.

I noticed a familiar road. In the distance I could see JFK Airport. I squeal with excitement, knowing this means we were going somewhere far. My parents smile, while Lia sits there confused as ever.

"Mommy! Where are we going?" She whines.

"Somewhere!" She says, wanting to keep the surprise.

As we pulled into the parking lot I see Lia looking around. She notices a plane and says, "Planes? Are we at an airport?"

"Yes," dad says, "now let's go."

We walked in and I took everything in. I haven't been in an airport in 3 years. We went through security check, where I noticed that mom has packed our bags.

We didn't go to our gate right away, instead we had breakfast, like dad promised.

"Mm," Lia says.

"So...where are we going?" I ask.

"Your not getting it out of us!" Dad answers.

"I'm going to see at the gate" I remind them.

"Your going to be wearing a blindfold at the gate."

"Okay, fine."

We finished up and went to our gate. They started calling people onto the plane. We finally went in and I am mad excited.

I walked down to my isle and sat down. My blindfold is off at this point. I'm at the window seat, next to Lia, who is next to my mom who is across from my dad.

Suddenly, a lady started talking over the load speaker.

"Hello and welcome to the 8:30 Jet Blue flight to Orlando, Florida."

My eyes widen. I look over to my parents who are smiling a nodding and I swear I almost scream. I am so excited!

"Oh. My. God. Really? Thank you!" I say hugging my mom who was in reach and air hugging my dad.

My mom didn't have to explain it to Lia either. Lia was almost as big as a Disney fanatic as me. She squeals and thanks my parents.

I can't believe it, we're almost there.


Hey guys!

Here's the first part!

I have some questions:

Do you like it?
Do you have any ideas?
Thoughts on the character?
And finally, who's your favorite character?

Thanks for reading!

~ Bella <3

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