4. Why Should You Worry

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"Who are you, and how do you know my name?" I say.

I'm so scared, am I being kidnapped? What's happening? The woman reveals her face. She is quite old. She was short, wore a blue dress and had some sort of stick in her hand.

"I'm the fairy godmother, dear. I know all." The woman says.

I look at the woman in a 'I'm not stupid, lady, let me go' sort of way. She looks back at me confused.

"Okay, I don't know who you are, but you better let me go, or," I think of something to say, if I say or else she will never let me go, I remember I have my phone on me, "or I'll call the police!"

"I'm telling the truth," she reasons.

"Then prove it," I say smirking, I'm not letting this person take me without trying to save myself.

"Okay, give me a random thing from you pocket," she holds out her hand for the item.

I look in my pocket, I find a gum pack. Perfect, they don't even sell gum here so it can't be set up. I take out a single piece and unwrap it. "Here," I say.

"Thank you very much," she responds.

The woman takes the piece of gum and puts it on the floor. "Bippity, Boppity, Boo!"

Nothing happens.

"Staying in character, is see."

A couple seconds later my piece of gum starts to glow. GLOW. It soon becomes a large pumpkin. But it isn't done, it grew and grew. I run out of the way, good thing this room is big.

When it is done, the pumpkin turns into a carriage. This woman isn't joking, she's the fairy godmother. And she needs me.

"You're the fairy godmother, and you need me, to save Disney, oh my god, this is happening."

"Yes, it is," a man says as he appears.

"Who are you?" I ask him, looking at his long white beard.

"I'm Merlin the wizard,"

"Merlin, we must tell her wants happening before she has to met up with her family," the fairy godmother looks worried.

"What's wrong?"

"Maleficent is trying to take over Disney World," the fairy godmother stated, "she is working with other villains, and there is one take over each theme park at a time."

"We need you to stop them," Merlin adds.

"Why me?"

"Look at your arm," Merlin answered.

I had a feeling he was talking about my birthmark. A small Mickey face on my wrist. "It's just a birthmark, I've had it since I was born."

"Maleficent has been planing this since you were born, once I found out of her plan I discovered there wasn't much I could do to stop her," Merlin says.

"He came to me, and the only thing we could do that wouldn't cause major destruction was to pick a person to be the chosen one, you." The fairy godmother explains, "You just so happen to be born that day. We chose you because you are all the things that a chosen one needs."

"What do I need to do?" I curiously ask.

"Tomorrow, you will be going to Hollywood Studios. There you will meet a villain, I'm not quite sure which one. You will battle them, and trap them in this lamp, which was a gift from the genie. After that you will take them to a certain place, that you will be informed about once they are in the lamp. In that place you will find a portal to our world," the fairy godmother informs.

"Your world? What's that?"

"Well, we aren't allowed to go into details, unless the person proves themselves. Once you do we will tell you everything, for know I'll just tell you that it's name is Walt's World," Merlin says.

"Now, Ariana, you must go and join your family. Your work starts tomorrow. Meet us at the Star Wars gift shop." The fairy godmother says.

I nod in agreement, then the fairy godmother guided me out of the room, past the carriage that was once a piece of gum. After I'm out of the room, it look at the time on my phone, 2:20.

I check the Disney World app and see that we had reservations at The Royal Table in 5 minutes. Good thing I'm 5 seconds away from there. I walk down the hall and go to the restaurant. I see my family walking towards me as I stand by the entrance.

"Ari!" My mom says, "how was it?"

"Great," I say.

We go to Cinderella, who you meet before going upstairs. "Hi princess!" She says to my little sister.

"Cinderella!" Lia says and hugs her.

I hug her as well, then we take a few pictures. We go upstairs and sit at our table.

"So, what did you do?" My dad asks me.

"I walked around a little," I answer.

I really wanted to tell them about the fairy godmother. About Merlin. About how I, Ariana Walters am the chosen one. But I can't say anything.


Another chapter!! Yay!!

Please DO NOT take my ideas about Walt's World!!! THEY ARE ORIGINAL TO ME!! NOT YOU!!

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