3. I Have a Dream

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The bus ride felt like hours, but we finally made it to our hotel, Port Orleans. My parents checked into the hotel while I took my sister to the store.

"Ari! Ari! I want this!" She says, hugging a Olaf stuffed animal.

I laugh and give her some of the money mom gave us. I look around at all the stuff. I love everything. I finally decide to save the money for the parks.

"Ariana! Lia! Come on!" Mom says loudly and we rush over to her, "We are going to go to our hotel, get ready and go to Magic Kingdom."

We head to our hotel room and I use my magic band to open the door, I feel so powerful with it. We walk in a I instantly claim the bed to the left. My sister takes the little bed under the tv and my parents take the one to the right.

I take out my Minnie ears and looked through my suitcase. Clothes, shoes, and a lot of Disney merchandise I collected over the years. I look at the clock and it is 1:28.

"Let's go, or we are going to miss the bus." Dad says.

We walk over to the bus stop and wait for the bus to come. The sign on the bus says 'Magic Kingdom' and we enter. I sit with my family in the back of the bus and patently await our arrival.

I quickly download the Disney World app and see what our fast passes are. The seven dwarf mine train, splash mountain, and big thunder mountain. Some of my favorites.

"Ariana, now that your old we are letting you go around the park on your own. But, you must have your phone on you and you must go to our fast passes so we can meet up." Mom explains to me.

I'm so excited to go on the rides I want to go on! And I can meet all the characters! "Thanks mom!" I say.

When we reach our destination, we walk out of the bus. I immediately see the top of Cinderella's Castle. It is so beautiful. I take in my surroundings. The bricks with names in it. The people. And the buildings.

We wait on the line and have our magic bands scanned. Walking through the main archway, I feel the magic coming my way. The street is filled with people.

"Meet us at the seven dwarfs mine train in 45 minutes," mom says to me, then her, Lia and dad walk off.

I walk straight to one of the snack carts and order, "Can I have some popcorn please?" I ask.

"Sure thing, scan your magic band there," he points to a small scanner, "it will go with your meal plan."

I scan my magic band and he gives me mom popcorn. "Thanks," I say.

I walk down Main Street, looking at the shops. I'm definitely going to the candy shop later. I make my way to the castle. The beautiful blue and white colored castle. I walked through it, to where you would find The Royal Table restaurant.

It was so closely designed, so beautiful. I walk down the hall. Suddenly, I feel a tug on my arm. I am pulled into a room. A figure was appearing from a shadow.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Ariana, we need you to help us save Disney"


"Yes, you are the one..."


I updated!!! Yay!!! Thank you for being so patient!

~ Bella <3

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