Ch12: Family Fallout

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It starts with Logan at the TV drinking whiskey and smoking a cuban cigar his movie was going good and Carmilla came in angry

Carmilla: You loco hijo de puta, What is wrong with you smoking in my house (Grabs the cigar and puts it in ihs drink)  You know, ever since you're psychotic friend. Who you neglected to tell me was the Great White shark, showed up out of no where. You've acted and turned into an even bigger asshole.

Logan then gets mad

Logan: Thank you, Your support in my difficult times means the world to me. Thank you, my dear wife.(Puts his drink down on the table) And one thing, how the fuck do you know him?

Carmilla: I've heard of what he is! that and Rosie is his mother When she finds out he's back in Pentagram, who knows what will happen.

Logan: Kaden was raised by Rosie? Well, that can't be good.

Carmilla: I know, So how do you know that canibalismo psicótico, monstruo?

Logan: We went way back when we both were alive, but I'll handle it.

Carmilla: How?

Logan: I don't know.

Carmilla: You know what? Just keep that monster away from me and the children, You low life whore-mongering asswipe!

Then Gabriel Odette and clara came in

Gabriel: Did someone say Yoga?

Logan: No I think she said um... "whore-mongering asswipe".

Carmilla:(Turns to Gabriel) Hello Gabriel darling,(Bows)

Gabriel:(Bows)Namaste Carmilla.

Odette: Mother, are you and father doing okay?

Carmilla: We're doing fine hija.

Clara: Didn't sound like it.

Gabriel: Are we ready to practice today?

Carmilla: Yes.

Logan: Oh yes,(Gets up from the couch)she's very centered. A regular oasis of peace and tranquility, this one.

Carmilla: Do you see what I have to live with? His monster anger issues and worst friends. No wonder I'm so upset!

They both then glare at eachother until Gabriel breaks it up

Gabriel: You two... Please...(Bows) Namaste.

Carmilla bows as Gabriel had an idea

Gabriel: We practice Logan, join us please.

Odette: Father doing yoga? Oh that's something we do not need to see.

Clara: Agreed, too old.

Carmilla: No. Please. No.

Gabriel: The Yoga is for sharing Carmilla. Come Logan.

Logan: Awsome.

He joined Gabriel, Carmilla and the girls Yoga session as they went outside to do it Logan speaks his mind

Logan: So, Gabe, If you can make me as happy and mellow as my wife, It'll be a job well fucking done.

Gabriel: We are all on our own journeys, Logan.

Logan: Yeah, no doubts. So why is she driving a tank on hers?

Carmilla gets frustrated but calms down and they all had yoga mats

Gabriel: Perhaps to deal with your hostility, Logan. Now here is good, we have the Sun And the murribunda... the asshole, Now we begin and put the asshole to the Earth. Yes, we begin each sequence Tadasana... or a mountain pose.

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