Chapter 7

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I was walking through the hallways of the university after having lunch in the cafeteria. I was heading to the library to work on a project, and Kalem had decided to come with me because he had practice soon and the lacrosse field was nearby.

"So, you study Literature, lazybones," he said, walking backward in front of me.

"Kalem, don't walk like that. You'll trip, and I won't want to take you to the infirmary or the hospital if you get hurt, because I don't like those places. So walk beside me, Taylor." I gave him a tap on his arm.

"Gladly," he smiled, complying. "I never thought I'd go out with a writer, a book lover."

"Hey, I never said that would happen. So chill, buddy," I warned, pointing at him while continuing to walk.

"You didn't say it, but I can see it. I feel it here." He placed a hand on his chest, his cheeks raised in a sweet smile. I rolled my eyes in amusement; this guy was incorrigible.

"And you study veterinary science," I changed the subject.

"Yes, I like animals. Want to see pictures of my pets at home?" He took his phone out of his pocket, and I nodded for him to continue. "I have three puppies, a rabbit, a cat, and a parrot. Look, aren't they cute?"

"My mom doesn't even let me have a dog, so I'm envious," I opened my eyes in surprise, looking at the screen of his phone. "How do you fit them all in your house? It's too many."

"We have plenty of space, and I thought it was a good idea to fill it with pets to keep me company. Besides, I have a lot of love to give." He put his phone away and shrugged.

"I don't doubt that, because it's you, but man, three dogs, a cat, a parrot, and a rabbit. The only thing you're missing is horses."

"Actually, we have a stable," he mentioned, putting his hands in his pockets. "But those are my dad's."

"You're kidding. How much money do you have? Oh, don't answer. My mom would scold me because she says those things are for thinking, not for saying," I gave him a closed-lip smile, and he let out a nasal laugh. "But, it's just curiosity. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I just wonder why you're working in a coffee shop."

Kalem gave me a calm smile.

"Independence," he shrugged.

I nodded.

"Good for you, kid," I patted his arm like a proud mom. Kalem laughed.

"You haven't told me a joke in a while. I miss them. Tell me one," he requested. We were almost at the library.

"Oh no, I don't know any," I feigned ignorance.

"I don't believe you, liar," he reproached with a side smile.

"Too bad for you," I shot a small smile while looking ahead.

"Just one, please," he made a pout with his lips, giving him a cute yet attractive look. An excellent combination, in my opinion.


"One short one, please," he persisted. The people passing by glanced at us, which made me laugh because anyone could misinterpret it and think otherwise.

We stopped in front of the library door, and I turned to look at him.

"You can do it quickly, then go do your work, and I'll go to practice. What do you say?" He took a lock of my hair, not taking those sky-blue eyes off mine.

"You're very persistent, Kalem," I exhaled in amusement, and he gave me an innocent smile.

"Is that a yes?"

Kalem's Kisses (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now