Chapter 12

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It was Sunday, which meant it was Mom's party.

I had to pick up the flower arrangements I had ordered from the florist, and Kalem had offered to drive me, and I didn't refuse. Kalem was really handsome, but that day he was overdoing it. The brunette looked just the way he wanted, and I was sure he knew it. Plus, he smelled really good, good enough to eat.

Oh, Heather. Do you hear what you're thinking? Stop undressing the poor guy with your eyes.

What do you mean poor? The guy has a mini zoo at his house.

"What are you thinking, lazy?" I heard the brunette's voice and turned to look at him. We were in his car.

"Things I could do to you right now."

By all the books in my room, of course I wouldn't say that out loud. Not yet.

"I forgot to lock my room, and it's likely my cousins have gotten in. I won't be surprised if I find one of my kids outside the bookshelf," I nodded, visualizing the scene.

"Do you know? Yesterday I started reading one of your books that you have online," he spoke, giving me a quick glance, and upon hearing that, I paid close attention, "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't read what my future writer girlfriend writes?" He flashed a smile full of tenderness, "Although I'm just getting started."

"And?" I asked, smiling a little.

"I liked the beginning, your words captivate me, Heather," he stopped at the red light, took the opportunity to turn and stroke my hair.

Something inside me stirred at what he said, and I couldn't help but smile, looking away from those sweet blue eyes. This lump of sugar was growing on me.

"Thank you, Taylor. You do know what's good," I said, giving him a quick pat on his shoulder, the light changed and Kalem drove on.

"Of course I do, just like I know I'm good for you," I noticed his sideways smile.

"Interesting turn of conversation," I chuckled nasally, "You're a good guy, Kalem. I have no doubt about that."

And it was true.

"I'm a good catch, right? I can cook. I'll cook you something when you get mad at me."

"Excellent information. Then, I'll get mad at you more often so you can feed me," I joked, making him laugh.

"I have to pick up Khaled, do you want to come with me?" he asked, glancing at me sideways.

"Sure, a little peace before going back to the noise at my house isn't bad," I nodded and leaned back in the seat, closing my eyes. Kalem turned the radio to a low volume to help me relax.

I hadn't realized how quickly I had fallen asleep, blaming my cousins for not letting me sleep the night before with their sleepover and karaoke. I felt someone caressing my cheek and didn't need to guess who it was because I could smell him. I opened my eyes and found Kalem's sky-blue gaze. Those eyes full of tenderness.

"How do you manage to look so good while sleeping?" he asked as I sat up in the passenger seat of his car, "We've arrived, lazy," the brunette combed my hair and I looked around through the window.

"Where are we?"

"At my house," he said, and I turned to him with wide eyes.

"Is this a trap you planned so I could meet your parents, Kalem Taylor?"

"That's the last thing I want, believe me," I furrowed my brow at his look, "Don't worry, they're almost always out, so there's nothing to worry about. Come on, Heather del Socorro."

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