Ryan: The Beginning

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I tried to control how angry I was but I couldn't. Instead the pictures laying on the bed fueled the rage and I sent the figurines on the table flying to the wall and crashing into unpickable pieces. Right before me were the photos of my supposed fianceé or should I say marriage partner. In bed with another man, a poor man. Even in all my wealth, she still chose to go after an incapable man.

"Tim! Get the car, we are going to pay Emma a visit" I stormed out of the room, my direction was unknown. One thought crossed my mind and it was how innocent she looked when I first saw her. Emma Alonso, the daughter of El Faso Alonso of Alonso companies, one of grandfather's wealthy old friends. We met at her father's launch party, one of grandfather's many launch party invites. She sat across a table, talking with the young girls that circled her round. Her hair loose, fell across her face as she talked. The girls listened and nodded calmly in agreement, they seemed very attentive. I watched from a distance, not just admiring her effortless aura but her beauty.

"Go and meet her" a voice from behind startled me, disrupting my thoughts. I turned to see my grandfather standing with his personal guard, Luke. "We can get you two married from here" he added and gulped a small quantity of his wine, a grin sitting on his lips. I laughed lightly, shaking my glass of wine in a way that I was getting pissed. I didn't think I was invited to get a wife.

"I don't think that's necessary, Father. I can very well decide who I want to marry or move around with. We have gone past this" I pointed out, making a turn to a less crowded area because I knew that this conversation would go longer than planned. Grandfather made a shift to where I was but he drew himself to a sofa and sat down. His eyes were not leaving mine but somehow I could see Emma in them like he wanted to talk about just her.

"I'm getting old. Wait...I'm old already" he laughed, signalling to the waiter who came and refilled his glass. Taking a sip, he went on, "I need a grandchild, so I can be sure that you'll have someone that will take over after you're gone." Something about grandfather's words worried my stomach, though I had control of the company, I still got my restrictions. Grandfather could have given the company to my father but the animal ran off after I was born, leaving me as a little heir. I was literally trained in the way that would suit the company, I was built for it.

Since I knew these rights, I've anticipated moments like this, where he would give me full rights to the company and everything in it. "Your father would have done better than this but you fit this position more than he does"

"My father was an coward"

He whispered "Are you one?" He hesitated to take in the wine in his mouth, using a napkin to clean his lips. He glanced at Emma, "she could actually be of help to you. She's ambitious and strict with her father's business just like you are." He looked at me, smiled and stood up, patting my shoulder, he said "you need a companion. You can't do it all on your own."

I watched him walk away. I struggled to swallow the lump in my throat, grandfather could be really motivating sometimes especially when he needs me to do something for him. But that's why I'd do it for him, despite how hardened he was, he still cared for me more than anyone else.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Emma walking towards me. Her legs snaking through her shiny red dress, no woman had ever turned me on a first appearance like she did. With her glassy eyes that felt like they had gone through my soul and could see me inside and out. "Damn," I muttered. She chuckled.

"I heard that" her smile was still slaying me, I smiled back. I took her hand and kissed it. "Would you do me the honor and dance with me tonight?" The words flew out of my mouth before I knew it. She shrugged, leading me to the floor, "I don't mind as long as you don't step on my little feets."
That right there was nearly enough for me to fall for her. We danced that night and it felt unending until grandfather came to inform us of his plans with El Faso Alonso. A wedding date was already set and that was without our knowledge of it but we didn't mind or I didn't. I was willing to make it work, the marriage and the company. Few days after that night, we went on our first official date as an engaged couple. The update was enough to set the news on fire.

Emma's company and ours rocketed to an unimaginable length. We made so much progress even without being together, our faces on the Vogue made it easier. For me, it was still business. I get married, get an heir and be in full control of grandfather's company and destroy my father. Everything was going as planned until a few weeks later, one of the guards informed of Emma's ungodly movements at night. I never believed it but grandfather insisted I put a guard on her. The day I did, Emma threw a fit. As always, I calmly told her how important it was for her to have a personal guard from my side. My guard was able to get all the information I needed, setting spies at every corner until he was able to catch her red-handed.

Seeing those pictures made me sick to my stomach. It disgust me. The raging thoughts in my head came to a haut when my driver blew the car horn at the gate. We were packed in front of Emma's house. A man came out to meet us, dressed in what seemed like pyjamas. I looked at the photos and it was the man that Emma cheated on me with. I stormed out of the car and threw a heavy punch at him, causing him to hand terribly on the ground. "Ryan!!" I heard Emma scream, her eyes held fear but I didn't care.

"You almost killed him!!" Her voice came again. This time, tears clouded her eyes. I flinched my wrist, setting my shirt in place so I could throw my bomb at her. "Emma Alonso, you can continue to cover up your dirty acts but I've just one thing to say to you. And that's the courthouse. Consider this marriage over" without letting her reply, I turned and went back into the car. Emma hurried behind me and held the car door, weeping but I knew it was fake. I tapped my driver, "Tim, take me to the courthouse. I've to erase this insane woman from our family record." Tim nodded and drove off. The anger inside me boiled furiously and all I really wanted was to get to court and do what needed to be done.

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