Ryan: New Bride

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Grandfather would definitely think that a spell was placed on me that made me bring a woman home. A woman I didn't know. She stood staring at me like she had gone dumb to what I said, my guards too including my lawyer. “I think he needs you to sign the papers” Tim said on my behalf. I nodded to that, waiting for her response. “Oh okay–I will do just that” she stuttered like a greedy harlot, though I didn't want to see her as one. Picking up the pen on the table, she signed the marriage papers, her fingers hesitating at each empty space but I understood what it meant. The papers had Emma's names on them, hers would still fit in just fine. “I don't even know your name” I told her as she rounded up with her signatures, her face red with shame.

“Jules. Jules Marshal”

“I'm Ryan Levent. You should know the name, it doesn't need an introduction” I smirked. I handed the papers to Connor who went through and nodded approvingly. “It's legal but I will still have to take it to the judge and make it official” he commented. I smiled “it's alright. We will be back next week to clarify things” I shook his hand. Looking at my new bride, I took the ring from Tim and wore it on her finger. There, that was official, to me. She adorned the ring for a minute then said, “aren't we going to say any vows or anything?”

I scoffed. “There won't be any need for that. Signing the papers makes it official, vows don't.” The pride in me grew louder than the voice itself. She made to say something but stopped to pick up her letters. Red stamps on them showed that those were from loaners. “How much is your debt?” I asked her, taking out of the letters out of her hand. “Three million dollars” she said. I opened the letter and read through it, words of threat and bankruptcy echoed throughout. Enough to scare anyone. “I see–I will send Tim to pay them off. If you want me to add more, I will” I added. She smiled with tears in her eyes, “thank you so much. You don't know what you've done for me” she praised but I stopped her.

“You're my bride now. I'm only doing my duty and you've your part to play as well” I told her coldly. I gave the letter to Tim, along with my cheque book, I wrote down a few amounts and slipped it into his pocket. I turned to leave the office, I motioned Connor to follow me. I could feel Jules's eyes on me like she feared my next move but that wasn't it. She was scared to go with me. “Follow me Jules. You won't live in a courthouse” my hand out for her to take but she stood still. “Can I wait for you outside? I could go with Tim if you want” she frowned. This was the first time a woman refused to take my hand and go out with me. My body shook with embarrassment but I hid it, I said nothing and nodded. “Take her to the car” I said to Tim.

I watched Jules walk away, it felt like she was holding so much pressure in her body or she was hiding something. “Please take care of her, she has been through a whole lot since she was a child” I heard Connor say, he was looking through the documents on his table. “What do you mean?” I asked him with keen interest, If Jules was hiding something, it could be abuse or something worse. Connor shaked his head like it was an information, he couldn't share easily. I dipped my fingers into my pocket and took out some money to drop on his desk but he budged instantly. “No sir– this isn't mine to share. Jules made me swear not to tell a soul not even my mother so you could ask her” he surrendered, still shaking his head. Stepping back, I smiled at him, “that's enough information Connor, thank you” we shook hands and I left his office.

Jules never spoke a word to me since we left the courthouse. I wondered what was going on in her mind, I didn't even know how to introduce her to grandfather if she wasn't going to say anything to me. “Are you okay, Mrs Jules?” I called out to her, her face turned to me, she smiled and that was it.

“You're about to meet one of the wealthiest families in the city of Dales. I expect you to know a few things about your groom at least”

“Well, the groom doesn't know anything about his bride so we are even” she said, the lump in her throat made me feel like she was holding back a few tears. “Isn't it odd that the famous Ryan Levent is married to a commoner, I mean the news would definitely want to know how all this happened” she added. The little air in the car thickened with so much tension, neither of us could take it. “Tim, a quick stop at the coffee shop” I blurted, I felt Jules release a sigh of relief. I knew that bringing her there would be risky especially when it hadn't been fully announced that Emma and I were officially over. I needed Connor to be quick on that part. Jules sat across the table, stirring the coffee in her hand and her head bent, still saying nothing to me. I was starting to get pissed. “You are making this more weird Mrs Jules” I raised an eyebrow, curiosity and anxiety slowly taking over my words.

“I'm sorry. It just doesn't feel right”

“Then why did you sign the papers?!” I snapped, causing her to jerk off her seat.

“I don't know– I only wanted to solve your problem” she stammered. Her words brought me to a pause, “what in the world, are you kidding me right now?” I bellowed, this time I didn't care if my voice was loud or not. People were watching us, some were taking shots but I didn't care.

“I'm so sorry Ryan, that didn't come out right” she apologized.

“That should be Mr Ryan to you. Get in the car now”

The Billionaire's Deal Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora