Jules: Rich Family Status

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My hands trembled in fear the moment Ryan told me to get into the car. At the corner, I could see people making videos of us. Before we could get to the car, paparazzi were already behind us. “Sir, is it true that you have a concubine outside your engagement with Emma Alonso?” They threw questions at him and he  answered none of them. Ryan said nothing to me, his eyes burned with rage and I'd dare not ask him why. The thing we responded to was the wind coming in and out of the car. I knew I messed it up but nothing scared me more than saying yes to a man I just met.

Right in front of us was the family mansion. Ryan didn't waste time dragging me into the house. My moans of pain were greeted by the people seated in the living room. “Everyone meet my new bride, Jules Marshal'' he announced to their surprise. His mother ran towards me, her eyes ran all over my body like an examiner. Disgust shown in her tone and expressions. “Were you dumped in an orphanage home girl?” With one finger, she raised my hair and sniffed it, making a bleh face. “Definitely smells like one from there,” she commented. Ryan held my hand, “Where's grandfather please?” His question silenced the others, “he's in his study room”. Without waiting to know who said it, he pulled me behind him as we skated up the stairs to his grandfather's study. Looking down to the wild living room, there was a lot of space. Space that was a hundred times larger than my home, I made sure to keep my mouth from falling open each time I looked at any glittery part of the building.

“Amazing house” I told him as we walked across the long hallway. Portraits of him and his family all lined up on the walls.

“I don't really have time to show you around but my grandfather will help me do that. That's why we're meeting him” a grin played on his lips, making me wonder if I made an insane decision by marrying him. My mind circled around it, my baby and the price I put on it just so I could be free. Ryan Levent was surely the man I wanted but I saw a part of him that looked like Nick. Rich, handsome but arrogant. If by chance, my marriage with him was going to work, it would take a lot of guts to do so. “Come in” a butler standing at the door said to us, he led us to another room, a larger one. Ryan's grandfather was seated on a cushion with a book on his lap.

“Father” Ryan said, walking towards him. I stood still watching him greet in a traditional way. “I see you brought home a new bride,” his grandfather pointed out to me. My whole instantly got covered in goosebumps, I felt so dizzy all of a sudden. Ryan held me just in time to stop my fall. “A pregnant bride” he said again, smiling wildly. Ryan gave up a shocked look, his grandfather laughed at him as he stood up and walked to me. His palms resting on my belly. “You'll have a beautiful child my girl” he said to me, my eyes glowed with tears as he said those words.

“Thank you si–”

“Call me grandfather dear” he corrected me and took me by the hand and helped me to lay down on the cushion to rest. He and Ryan walked to a corner of the room and began to talk, it all sounded really quiet because I couldn't hear a thing. His grandfather was smiling all through and I couldn't help but admire the gentleness he carried. Just when I thought it was getting even more quiet, a loud bang threw me off balance. A young woman rushed in fuming in anger. Her hair lay scattered across her face and she was breathing heavily.

“You!–You bitch!!” She yelled, pointing at me. I was soaked in fear, paralyzed and panicking. She made to walk to me but Ryan stopped her halfway. “Emma…what in the world are you doing here?” Grandfather asked as he held my shoulders to know if I was okay and I nodded. The rage in Emma's eyes was enough to burn me to the ground but Ryan's stance created a distance to prevent that. “Ryan–you left me because of that cheap commoner. It's all over the news” she whined, still trying to get to me but he wouldn't let her.

“What are you doing here?” he asked calmly

“To get us back together. What do you mean? I'm sorry that I cheated. It was just some foreplay” she said casually. Even the butler was more disgusted than I was.

“Do you even hear yourself?” Ryan thundered, his hands shook as he spoke to her. I didn't see his face but I was hell sure that he was more than hurt. “Our parents had us ENGAGED!! You could have said you wanted that and you knew I'd give it to you. This whole marriage was just a means for you climb a higher financial ladder right?” His breathing grew faster than before. This was the second time in one day that I was seeing him getting this mad. Emma stared at his face and didn't say a word. Like he had crippled her with the truth.

“Ryan….just calm down please” I called out to him. I walked to him and held his hand, the intensity in his breathing lessed.
“So because of that, you chose a commoner. A cheap hoe over wealthy Emma Alonso?” Emma bellowed in between gritted teeth. She tried to grab me but Ryan pushed her off, causing her to stumble. I heard grandfather chuckle, it was worth the laugh.

“I chose her because she is better than you. Atleast she didn't cheat before I met her.” He told her, tightening his grip on my hand.

“You're not welcome into this house Emma Alonso. If I see you here again or you dare do anything stupid to my family, I'll have you arrested. Fuck whoever your father is” He announced, turning to the butler he said, “do well to see her off at the gate. Make sure she takes her trash along with her”.

Ryan went into his room immediately. I stayed in the study with grandfather, too scared to meet his angry self again. But what feared me most what would happen next between me and Emma Alonso.

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