
42 4 0

June 3rd 2022

♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

I wipe the back of my hand across my forehead to wipe away the sweat, as some was getting into my eyes. "How's my favorite mechanic doing?" A voice echos, causing the pressure in my head to increase. "Ah Luca!" The man knelt beside me stands up and holds a hand out to shake. "I was talking to Vale!" The rider chuckles, accepting his hand and walks over to me. Kneeling down and looking at my work.

I turned my head and found his face fairly close to mine. But his eyes remained on the loose bolt I forgot to tighten. He grabs the wrench from my hand and tightens it up himself. "Maybe me and you should switch jobs eh? I make a fine mechanic." He chuckles, placing it back into my hand and stands up. He examines his bare bike.

"She should be done in an hour. Just need to mount the top bridge, install the steering damper, and-" I begin explaining to him but was cut off. "I trust you." He pats the top of my head and walks elsewhere in the garage.
"Can you pass me the pliers?" One of the mechanics, Kale, who I learned the name of asks me -- pointing to the toolbox sitting on the concrete floor.


Once finished, I stood up and admired our mornings of work. Our beauty. The work of art we plastered on a canvas. I felt a smile creep up onto my face, and I couldn't help but high-five each of the other mechanics for their hard work.

I placed everything back nice and neatly, whilst grabbing myself a plastic bottle of water from the mini-fridge. As my head grew more frustrated, I pulled out my bottle of advil from my pocket and unclasped the top to get myself a tablet to help control the pain. I went outside as I needed the fresh air after being trapped inside all morning.

I threw a tablet in my mouth, holding it as I closed the bottle back up and stuffed it back in my pocket. Taking my bottle of water out from underneath my armpit, I unscrewed the cap and took a sip. "How's your head?" I choke, as the voice made me jump. I end up in a coughing fit, feeling myself grow hot and pink in the face. I looked up and saw my 'saviour' from last night.

I tried getting a few words out but couldn't as I was still hacking up my lungs. He moved a bit closer and started to pat my back to try and help. "I-I'm goo-d." I managed to get out, still coughing but not as much. He retracts his hand and gives me a small smile, trying to hold back a chuckle at my struggle. "You good?" I nod, letting out one last cough.

I raise a hand up to block the sun, so I wouldn't squint. "What're you doing here?" I ask looking at the French rider infront of me. He shrugs his shoulders, tucking his hands in his pockets. "I just wanted to check on you.. after last night." I nod, my lips in a straight line. Not wanting to talk about the previous events. Whats done was done.

"I'll be on my way now. Leave you be." His face slowly drops. As he turned around and began walking back to I presume his own garage I decided to speak up. Feeling more like a dick. "Thank you by the way." He turns his head, nodding. "You've already said that." He replies, stopping in his tracks. "I know, I just wanted to thank you again. And to say that I'm sorry." I take a sip of my bottle, leaning back against the cool metal wall, squinting my eyes at him.

"What for?" His face scrunches up. "For being a bit dick-ish to you. There was no need." His smile grows more, from what I could see. "I bumped into you.." he raises his hand. "But before that as well." I refer back to Italy. "Its no problem. You seem in better spirits now." He lets out a chuckle. "Start over?" I reach a hand out, even though he wasn't close enough to clasp it. He reaches out his own, agreeing. "Fabio." He greets himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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