Fated Too Young [ABO]

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It was a normal day for me. Normal as any other day. I'd gotten up to go to a deciving job, work my digits to the bone for a creepy beta boss who was a little too handsy with "the pretty ones," and barely managed to scrape by until the end of day. I'd had enough of the passes.. enough of the crap. I'd just graduated from college, and this was my first real job. This job told me all I needed to know about the corporate world and I fucking hated it.

My normal day ended by me loosening my tie and deciding to take a different path home. Usually, I headed down 8th and Saint Vernon. There was a low key omega safe bar called büdös. I'd get a couple; then head home for a usual dinner for one.. either flop into bed or watch a round of mind dumbing television. Pretty great life for a working man.. Pfft.

That loosened tie was stuffed halfway in my suit jacket pocket as I took my stroll. Today was particularly hard, none of the data was adding up, and the boss.. I shivered. Life for an omega fucking sucked - just saying. We were evolved submissives for alphas.. Those stinking pseudo-alphas have the audacity to think omegas are supposed to bow down and take whatever from anyone.

I could feel my body getting hot with anger and unbuttoned the first couple buttons of my shirt. I just hated, absolutely hated, how the "downfall of society" was considered an omega's fault. Some rotten apples would use their heats as a weapon to trap high profile alphas into kids or being bonded. The ones doing that messed up shit should pay for their actions. Not me. Not the rest of us who were struggling to just find some normalcy.. without being groped or worse.

A shiver ran down my spine but went away when I heard laughter. My womb, here lately, pulsed and tingled when I heard children. I'm not ready for that.

Being 24, just two years post grad, my goals and priorities weren't kids. I needed a career built up, a safety net, and interview several candidates for the job. Maybe even test.. their assets.. for a while first? The thought made me giggle. There were a few that were high on the list, but I'm very shy and easily intimidated by alphas. The one I wanted was a dominant.. and he was fucking sexy.

Damion Reese, a supervisor over Planning Group C, oozed confidence, charisma, and had a killer smile. He was a tall tree that I wanted to climb and mount.

Fuck! Fuck!

Forgetting I was beside a park, I quickly fanned my crop dusting around me to dissipate the horny pheromones. No way, I was going to be branded a child toucher when I was stupid and had a quick sex fantasy about a boss at the wrong place.

I walked further around the park, at a leisurely pace, enjoying the weather and the sunshine. It was worth it.. to rush and cut out early. I breathed easier and felt my shoulders relax. The tension from work (and nearly being caught as a pedo) left by body and slowly my soul.

The kids ran around and played on the equipment. A smile graced my face and I sighed. Forget all that crap I thought about earlier, I wanted one of these buggers. I wanted to grow one of my very own.

'You are an omega?' A woman to my left asked as she plopped down on the bench I was standing behind.

I looked at her. She was an alpha. Her pheromones told me she was a lower level, more like a regressive. I nodded in response.

'I can tell. You are spreading pheromones.. the nesting kind.'

I blushed. 'My apologies.'

She laughed. 'No.. No.. No apologies needed. I know what it is like to want something and not have it or be not ready for it. Don't worry good things are always worth waiting for..'

She eyed me as she spoke, taking in my appearance: the suit, the shoulder bag. 'Do you have an alpha already?'

I shook my head, making sure to keep my face neutral. Per the mirror (and good friends), I wasn't an ugly creature. My parents were from two different sides of the world and came together to make me and my ugly (not really) older sister.

'Don't worry about that either. Alphas are a dime a dozen,' she snickered and turned her head from me to the playground. 'Stop it! Do not use your brother as a slide!'

My gaze caught what she was trying to prevent. An older boy was using a smaller boy to ride down the slide like a sled. I chuckled remembering those days. It made me want to call my sister - yuck.

Both of the boys had their mothers light brown hair, but the older boy had the most beautiful blue eyes. They were so blue they looked like shiny crystal gems. The longer I held the boy's gaze the more a weird feeling tingled my entire body.

He jumped from the middle of the slide and ran right over toward me, leaving the younger one to be consoled by the woman. When the boy stood before me, I felt it. He was my fated. Meeting your fated mate was rare.. extremely rare. Normal bonds were made and broken. Most didn't put their stock in meeting their fated because of situations like this: the age gap was too great or the fated was a minor or they weren't born yet.

This boy was my fated. Everything in my being wanted to be with him.. submit to him. It was natural to want that, but I looked at him. His little face flush with the beginnings of bonding fever. I knew pretty soon I would go into heat. That was a curse of meeting your fated. Because he was a child, his body not fully developed, he'd only experience the fever and the want to be next to me.

I had to go, but I couldn't bare to leave him. This relationship isn't right.

'Mine,' he called out in a guttural voice that seemed out of body for a child. He reached for my hand and my whole body tingled.

'I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. but you do not understand what you are saying..' I stammered, trying to pull my hand away from the boy.

'Mine,' he declared again, tightening his grip. His mother, the alpha woman, came in tow with an even smaller child and the original sled, who was crying. I looked at her panicked.

Her eyes were wide as she noticed the scents in the air. 'Let him go!'

I jerked my hand back, like the boy was on fire. Everything inside me burned. I felt like I was dying. It was so wrong to feel this way.. to feel this way about a child. Fear and loathing swept up and mingled with my pheromones, causing them to have a static charge. The boy jerked back, concern written all over his face.

'You hurt..' His face turned ugly when he faced his mother. 'You hurt.. mine..'

I spoke up before she could or before he became madder. 'No.. I'm not hurt.'

His pheromones calmed. He must've been a dominant because his mother was surprised. Reaching into my pocket, because I knew dealing with the rut fever was going to be hell, I rubbed my tie across my sweaty face and neck to hand to him. It was the least I could do before disappearing.

'I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry for this..' I apologized over and over like a mantra, slowly backing away from her and him.. my fated. Each step felt like hell. It was hell and just my luck that my alpha was a child.

When I made it out of eye sight, I heard a scream.. It was more like an animalistic roar. The pull of fated mates was something unreal. It made me want to go back to him. But I couldn't. This was something that I was going to have to ignore for the rest of my life.

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