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Did you ever fell in love with the impossibale? Did you ever wished they would broke up at one point?

Wednesday did.

But that dream was broken in little pieces in just one day.

Bad ending :(


It was monday moring, wednesday was sitting at the tea, when an envelop fell on the carpet by the door.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow, not knowing what this ment. She got up, and went to get it, once she saw it was pink, she probably knew what it was.

A letter from enid that was sure.

But she knew what was in that letter. She took the letter with shaking and sweating hands. She swallowed before opening in envelop, and getting the letter out.

With golden letter she read: wedding invition enid sincair petroplus and ajax petropolus.

Wednesday could feel tear appearing in her eyes. She knew this day would eventlully Come, but she dint know it would Hurt so much.

She wiped away her tears with her hands, and went to sit on the cough. She had been getting texts for days, from enid asking her wich dress she would, wich hair, and more things like that. Wednesday never really replies much.

It hurted.

She dint understand, why did she have to fall for enid? There are so many girls...

Another text got her out of her toughts. She picked up her Phone and went to whats app to see who it was.

Enid: hey wens! Did you get the

Wednesday sighed. She wonderen how she got into this situation. How she can hate the blonde by just marriying the man she loves the most.

Wednesday: hey enid. Yes i did. I will be there!

She had to be excited for the blonde even if that hurted her the most.


At 1 in the afternoon, the doorbell rang, more then one time. Someone was pretty impatient.

"Yea yea im coming!" Wednesday just gor out the shower and went to the door, where yoko stoof.

With a not so good face.

"What?" She asked irrtated. She just wanted a day off and then yoko has to appear.

"Got the card?" Is all she said raising an eyebrow. The brunnte just nodded.
The girl went inside without wednesday inviting her.

"What do you think you doing? I have a day off let it be peachful pls?" She asked. Getting a cup of tea once again.

"Well i just want you to know one thing" she said. Yoko normal was always friendly to him. But now not. She knew about her feelings for enid.
"Dont ruin her day with your feelings wednesday"

Wednesdag widen her eyes, but she had her back to yoko so she couldnt see. She lowerd her head and closed her eyes tightly.

"Ofcourse i wont" she said. Ans grabbed her cup going to sit on the gough

Yoko went to sit next to her.

"Im just making sure" yoko said looking her up and down. "I know how you can be. Remeber her engagement?"

"Yea yea i went home" wednesday mutterd.

"I just want to say, there Will be a girl Who you Will love as much as you loved enid" yoko smiled slightly. But wednesday dint had it. "Wens i know how it is when you get rejec-"

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