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Wednesday faints during work.


"Mrs addams we need you on the second floor" her assistent said trought the telephone.

"Be there in 5 minutes" wedbesday anwsered already tired.

She went up, got to the elevator and went to the second floor. She took a deep breath when the door opened and walked.

She opened the door and someone Who helped het company better, and her assistent who looked at her worried.

Wednesday was paler then normal, out of breath soon, tired pretty fast, and dizzy. The woman sat on her seat.

The man talked about everythiny, wednesday tried to concentrade on everything wich wasnt easy.

After an hour hé was done, siged a contract and left. Addams again took a deep breath, when dizzyness once again floaded.

There was a little knock on the door, and then two little kids runned her way.

"Mommy" they bkth screamed and hugged ber tightly. Enid walking to her and gave her a peck.

"Hi darlings" she said. Her voice was more queit then normal.

"Are you okay babe? You seem bery pale" enid said worried. Placing a hand on her cheek.

"Im fine just tired" she replied.

" Mama mama. Elena and i are going to play tommorw" eden said and smiled brightly. She could finnaly play with her friend.

"Thats amazing honey" wednesday said. She swore she was at the point of passing out.

She stood up, again a wave of dizzyiness was present. Enid got the two Kids out kf wednesdays hands as if she knew what would happen.

Her legs were wobble and seemed kike she couldnt stand on her legs.

She walked to the door since she had to pee. But everyrhing stopped once she was at the door.

Her body dint move and everything around her was moving. She got a headace.

Without her knowing enid stood behind her for when she would fall. The Kids curiously watched theit mothers, till the point mama fell into enids arms.

Enjd laid her on the ground with her head on her legs. The Kids came closer and dint understand what happend. As they saw their mother laying, they assumed she was sleeping.

Enid called someone, and it melissa, thsy doctor for when something would happen.

After some time she smiled but enid dint understand why. The girl woke up minutes later still sleepy and dizzy.

"Welcome back" mellisa said smiling.

"What happend?" She managed to say.

"Wens you were overworking like always!" Enid scolded her.

"Well, yes she did" melissa began and packed her stuff. "But if im right jt was another reason too"

For a moment Enid looked terrifed.

"Nono nothing bad! I just want wednesday to do a ultrasound by James." The man walked into the room.

The three of them left the building to the hospital near. Enid and wednesday were both nervous of what it would be.

Soon after they arrived and the three of then went to a room. Wednesday had to lay down on the bed there and the cold jell was placed on her belly.

It made enid rethink about all the times she was here to get pregant but also when she got pregnant. And the jell was at the same place..

James was looking in her stomach and then had a huge smile.

"Congratselation ladies, wednesdat is pregnant" James said and both girls looked at each other.

Yes they did to the opointments, wednesday had a lower chance of getting pregant, they tried two times and both of them she wasnt pregant. They wanted to try again but the hopes werent high. Or else enid would be pregant again.

Soon enids cheeks were full of tears.

"We did it wens." Enid said once again. "We stil managed to make you pregant!"

The two girls hugged eachother. And soon went back to the company to tell their Kids.

Eden and ethan smiled and runned to their mothers and gave them a big hug.

"Mama what happend?" Ethan asked shyly. Wednesday croughed down and smiled.

"Mama is pregant." The little ones eyes lit up. "You get a baby brother or sister"

Both of them hugged her tight.


"I was worried damn it! This is why you shouldnt over work wednesday! It hurts the baby" enid has been scolding her for a while.

"Yes cara Mia i promise not to do jt agian" she dint mean to sound tired but she was.

She gave her a Kiss and both of them went to sleep...

Happy with a 5th member of the family ♡

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