prt 1

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(Writing this for the third time...also i do it diffrent then i said. Its bette for the storyline)

(They have their special powers)

Wednesdays pov:

I was just laying in my bed, when some kind of idoir decided to pound on my door ruin my beautiful dream.

I snorted sat up, ans saw that my roomie enid, already were awake. That inst very usual since i am always earlier awake...

"Finnaly addams you are awake" she stood in the bathroom door, her hands placed on her hips. Looking at me. She had her favortie sweater and some white pants.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Sinclair laughed.

"30 minutes till class" i opened my eyes wide and jumped out of bed.

"Why dint you wake me?!" I said and went to my closet.

"I did. You didn't react. Poor tyler has been knocking on the door for 20 minutes." Enid laughed and did her things. "What did you dream about that was so wonderful?"

I blushed. She didn't want to know. Because yea...i dreamed about her. Because i kind of have a crush on her.

"Nothing important" i managed to mummer.

After i finnaly dressed i went outside. Tyler stood there with a not so good face as we walked over to the quad.

"Lemme guess. You dreamed about enid?" Hé said irrtated.

"No" i said back.

"You cant fool me addasm! Everyone knows your crush on her but the only who doesn't is sinclaur herself!" He said loudly. Luckily most people were doing there own business.

"Could you be even louder then this?" I said placing my hand on his mouth to shut him up. "I do not want her to know."

Hé sigehd and we went to the others. Later enid joined with ajax hand in hand. It pained my heart every time again but i could never.

"10 more minutes until class" bianca said and placed her head in her hands. "I dont wanna gooooo"

"Stop being a baby." Yoko laughed but got a slap on the back of her head from divina. "What wad that for?"

"Stop being mean"

"Why where you late?" Bianca then tunred to me. I felt my face heat up bur turned to play it cool.

"I overslept" i simply replied.

"She had a very nice dream right addams?" Tyler also said with a smirk.

"Oh your crush?" Enid said smiling. "You never told me who she is?"

They all know i am a lesbian.

"Uh well.. uh you dont really know her so it doesnt matter" i said. Nice one wednesday how smart.

"Oh" she replied. For a moment i tought a flash of disapointment was written on her face. "Tyler does?"

I really hoped hé would get me out of this.

"Well. Yeah. But not as good as her. Maybe you also know her" he did not....

I gave him a kick. Hé dint even flinch. Hé knows my attacks...which is annoying.

"Ohh i think i gonna pay more attention to you then?" She winked. I know it ment playful but my heart decised it wasnt and without my permission started beating the hell out of me.

Why is the rest queit? Stop looking at meeeeeee.

"Right" yoko said looking suspicious at me. "Maybe you could give her a tip?"

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