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tw mention of self-harm
(I put a tw where it starts and ends <3)

Faith's POV

A few weeks ago I was in that abusive house and now, I'm in a house that is showing me what it means to be in a loving home.

Though, I never thought I would have told them about everything that happened, all the abuse.
I still have secrets that I would like to keep to myself at least for right now.

When Luca went to tell the others I layed in bed in Gabriel's embrace. It's like when a big bear hugs its cubs. In this situation, I am the cub and he is the bear and I'm actually enjoying it.

I don't know what the time is but I can hear Gabriel's steady breathing next to me.
I quietly get up from my bed, everything still hurting.

I look around my room and see just how cozy it looks and feels. Gio told Luca and Marco to buy some stuff for me and my room, the day that girl attacked me and they did good.
But I still have to go shopping with them for myself when I get better.

I grab my phone and start walking downstairs, trying to remember the way to the kitchen.

When I walk in I see Matteo, he looks up from his phone.

"Good morning. How are you-" he pauses like he doesn't know what to ask

"How are you doing?" He gives me a small smile, the first sincere one since I came and it doesn't seem like it's due to what he found out about me last night. I'm just scared about the others.

I give him the best smile I can at the moment and reply

"I'm okay now, thank you." He nods, going back to scrolling on his phone.

Alessandro and Luca walk in together, talking about something serious it seems due to their facial expressions. Then they see me and their faces soften

"Hey, Faye." Luca says giving me a sad smile and opening his arms while walking towards me

I open my arms and hug him back, his arms around my neck and mine around his torso. I like his hugs, I like all the hugs I've been receiving these days.

Ale looks at me smiling like he doesn't know about the abuse but I know he does because his eyes are just different, there's no calmness in them nor a glimpse like usual.

"There are some cookies in the stove, help yourself they're actually good." He says smiling while grabbing one and biting into it

Matteo just stares at him.

Luca coughs and I look at him and he just nods no with his head. I question him with my face

"Marco made them." Luca finally says.
What's so bad about that?

Matteo replies looking at Ale who's still chewing the cookie
"Give him 10 seconds"
And just then Ale starts coughing, spitting the cookie into the bin.

"5 actually." Matteo smirks. Luca laughs and when he is about to say something Marco comes in

"I made cookies! They're okay. Try them." He hands one to me and the sweet person I am I bite it and chew it.

I cover my facial expression with a smile and reply
"They're good, Marco." He smiles at me but says

"I know they're not it's okay, these shitheads always hate on them but I don't think they're that bad"
He enthusiasts on the "that"
I just give him a smile which he happily returns.

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