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I shuffled out of the hospital doors, 5 bags haphazardly strapped to my shoulders. A little while later and not to mention a ridiculous medical bill later, I was finally released. You would've thought, given how much it cost, they'd at least find someone to help you with your bags. And that person, as I just discovered, was Reid.  He strode over quickly, my mind working overtime trying to figure out how his legs had yet to trip him up. "Hey, Reid." I greeted him, handing him 2 bags. "Please, for the love of God, take these for me, will you?" Reid's lanky arms reached for my bags slinging them over his shoulder. He was surprisingly strong for a pipe cleaner. 

"Yeah, sure! How are you feeling? I'd imagine you are probably fine by now, psychically anyway, and maybe you might-" I listened to him ramble on, grinning. I'd missed this. I dumped my bags in the back of my car, Reid enthusiastically offering to drive me home, claiming he'd just catch the subway back afterwards. I shrugged, not caring to argue. My head throbbed and my limbs ached. My hospital bed had been no joke, most uncomfortable thing ever.

Reid chatted on, updating me on things I'd missed at the BAU, as well as talking about topics I wont even bother trying to pronounce, let alone understand. I was happy enough to know I was allowed back the following week, Strauss was desperate to get at least some of the team back as soon as possible. I rested my head on the side of my car window, unfamiliar sitting in the passenger side. "Morgan has 2 months before he's allowed to come back, but he won't be allowed to be in the field for about 4 in total." Reid said, driving slowly. "And I'm not sure about Hotch, but knowing him, probably a month, minimum." I hummed in agreement, my eyes drooping slightly. 

We finally pulled up to my apartment block's car park, Reid spending about 5 minutes attempting to park my car, blushing at my giggles as he explained he hadn't driven in months. "Whatever, pretty boy." I chuckled, thanking him for his help. "You sure you don't want to come in for a drink at least?" I asked, staring at him. He shook his head, saying something about a lecture on string theory and some correlating nonsense. Helping me inside with my bags, Reid waved before bounding out the door.

Setting down my bags on the couch, I dragged myself to my double bed, snuggling down on it and closing my eyes. Sleep decided to evade me, instead thrusting the memories from the previous day in front of me. I had gone to see Hotch, my feet hesitating at his door, uncertain whether I should go in or not. I eventually knocked, before knocking again after some silence. Just like the first time I met him, he finally grunted, allowing me in.

"Hello." I said walking in, holding my head held high, and going to sit down in a free chair. Hotch was propped up on the bed, dark circles, messy hair, and his signature frown. I guessed the uncomfortable beds had been treating him just as harshly as they had me. I sat awkwardly, bouncing my foot on the cold, shiny floor. Hotch surveyed me, his expression hard to read. "So... how's your shoulder...?" I asked after the silence became too thick. "Fine" He sharply replied, looking anywhere but at me. "Okay..." The silence continued, painfully slowly, yet probably only amounting to a few seconds. "How is your wrist?" Hotch stoutly asked, still not looking at me.

"Good." I too, replied. After another pause, I spoke again. "Look, about what you did-" Hotch, once again, interrupted me. "Don't speak of it" He finally looked at me, his gazed dragging across my face. "You can go now." The abruptness of his sentence left me slightly speechless. "Right...Okay." I muttered, excusing myself quickly, I paced towards the door. "Be careful. When you're back at the BAU. You'll end up doing my job, it won't be easy" I frowned, confused, I paused before stumbling out the door. I had no words. 

The last days in the hospital dragged past, my time there comprised simply of tossing and turning in bed, or staring at the wall in silence. My mind was perhaps grateful for the chance to mull things over without worrying about any responsibilities, other than what jelly flavour I'd be served. I always managed to float back to thinking about Hotch, how he had behaved and why he was so...Strange?  It just didn't really make sense. 

Upon being released and granted freedom to return home, I vowed to forget about the whole thing. It didn't quite work. No matter how tired I was, I still somehow managed to feel wide awake, replaying every single interaction I had had with him over in my head, again and again. Oh, how I wished he would just- disappear.

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Author's Note:

Guess who hasn't updated in forever...ME! Sorry about that, again, I literally just cannot be bothered lol. But at least we've hit just over 300 views ahhh!!! Sorry for the short chapter, my writing inspiration has just evaporated tbh.

Word Count: 883

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