~Cast Bound Infuriation~

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                                         ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ *:・゚✧*:・゚⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

"I sweat to god, this fucking leg!" Morgan yelled from outside the conference room, a large thump sounding out from behind the closed door. We had just started reviewing our very first case since the bomb, save for Hotch who was still being forced to stay home, and were pouring over the details, instantly clicking with ease once again. JJ had the remote in her hand and was slowly going through the slideshow she had put together for us, reading out a few key pieces and wincing slightly as the photos from the crime scene loaded up onto the board. Rossi hummed next to me, commenting on the overkill whilst Reid listed everything that could possibly have been the motive for such a brutal blood bath.

Thump. "Oh my god, is he okay?!" shrieked Garcia at the sound of Morgan's shouts, rushing up from her chair and towards the door, flinging it open wildly. "Oh!" She stopped, looking down at Morgan. The rest of the team, me included, followed Garcia to see what exactly had just occurred. Peering down at the floor by the door, I let out a giggle as I spotted Morgan haphazardly stuck between the railings overlooking the bullpen. His cast-bound leg was dangling off the edge, his lower body too, come to think of it, and his hands held on tight to the higher part of the railing above him. JJ snickered behind me, and Rossi let out a snort as he shrugged and walked back into the conference room. 

"How exactly did that happen...?" Reid asked, pure confusion dancing across his face as he tried to figure out how Morgan had managed to get himself in such a position. Garcia knelt down next to Morgan and patted his head with one hand, the other covering her mouth as she started to laugh uncontrollably. "I tried to fix my cast, but I couldn't reach it, so I propped my leg up on the railing and it slipped. It's stupid plastic with no grip!" Morgan grumbled, scowling as he tried to shift his weight which only resulted in him slipping further.

"Okay, but, how exactly did you manage to get this far off the edge...?" I spluttered, peering over the railing as I saw just how far he had gone. Reid piped up and said there was no way a tiny slip caused that. "So, I sort of figured if I just tried to shimmy off the edge since I couldn't pull myself up because of my leg, I could just jump down. Then I remembered it was broken and, well..." Morgan admitted, glaring at JJ who was bent over and clutching her sides as she wheezed, her face red from laughter.

"Okay, uh, we'll just have to push you off the edge and catch you... Sort of?" I said, attempting to soften my laughter with my hands. Garcia opted to stay at the top crouched next to Morgan and keeping a firm grip of his awkwardly placed hand. I pulled JJ to the stairs and quickly descended, running over to where Morgan was uncomfortably trapped. JJ joined me, hands on her hips she looked at me and grinned, gesturing at how we would get him down. "Oh dear..." I muttered, stepping closer to him and grabbing an ankle, JJ grabbing the other. "Hey! What are you doing? No, wait!" Morgan protested, his hand clinging to Penelope's as me and JJ both pulled, his body slipping further. 

With another loud thump, Morgan fell to the floor, me and JJ quickly reached out to prop him up as an attempt to lessen the blow to his leg. He let out a disgruntled wail and clutched his leg dramatically, feigning absolute incapacitation. "You could've broken my other leg!" He screeched, slowly climbing to his feet with the help of JJ. "Yeah, sorry..." JJ sheepishly said, grinning as she watched Morgan hobble away pitifully.  

I looked at JJ before slowly turning round, suddenly aware of the few loitering coworkers in the bullpen, their stares and laughs going unnoticed until this moment. "Hey! it's rude to stare at a girl who's in distress, go back to work!" I shouted seriously, JJ nodding enthusiastically as we walked back to the conference room in a fit of giggles over the whole situation. Upon our return, we all settled in our seats, Morgan loudly complaining and Garcia lovingly muttering words of encouragement, JJ resuming her position with her remote. 

20 minutes later, we had all convened in the jet, Morgan arriving 5 minutes late and settling on the sofa, complaining he deserved at least 6 months paid leave for his terrible injury. "Didn't you beg Strauss to let you come back? I saw you a few days ago, you looked like you were going to get on your knees despite your broken leg." Reid remarked, quizzically looking at Morgan. "What? No I didn't, what are you talking about?" Morgan defended, scratching his neck as he adjusted his seating on the sofa. "Let's get on with it, shall we?" I said, focusing the team's attention back on the case.

"So, we've got 4 bodies, all beaten beyond recognition, the 2 male victims showing the most overkill. Yet, no forced entry so it points more towards an organised killer, or killers, but the state of the victims indicates otherwise. I think it's most definitely more than one offender, because you'd have to have a good ruse to subdue all 4 victims without tying them up." I observed, flicking through the case files on the table. Reid agreed with me, talking with Rossi as they both argued over possible motives, Morgan chiming in every once in a while. 

A short while later we landed and went straight to the Sheriff's Department, eager to get started before another set of murders were committed, our small window of opportunity vanishing faster by the second. "Hello, we're the Behavioral Analysis Unit from the FBI, we are here to assist on your case." I stated, introducing us to the Sheriff as he updated us on any extra details and eventually showed us to a spare meeting room with a suitable amount of room and resources for us to set up in. This was going to be rough...

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Author's note: 

Hiya guys, looks like we're nearly at 1k reads! Haven't proof read this chapter either, nor have I left it on a conclusive end lol. Lowkey kinda happy cos it's almost the weekend, but I've got lot's going on, mainly my work and I have a college interview soon which I'm sort of freaking out over. Anyway, have a fantastic weekend everyone! :]

Word count: 1117.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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