The day before the shift change

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—It is 25 April 1986, 12 hours before the explosion—
*The town of Pripyat is a Russian apartment-style style and the shops are always STOP SIGN RUSSIAN NAME-*

*Clipboard is walking in the park with many citizens and visitors running, playing, walking, exercising, and lots more...*
Sunglass: I heard about the new shop being next to Northern East will be added soon than that "5 market" grocery store

Checklist: what was it going to be about?

Smoke detector: ooh... anyways today is the fourth test to make a rundown turbine

Checklist: wait today?

Smoke detector: no shit Sherlock of course it is today! We gotta power the turbine to prevent power loss, unlike in South Ukraine or Russia idk

Sunglass: oh... does it be on the day shift or the night shift?

Checklist: I think the day shift from now on since they doing it.

Smoke detector: do they do run-down right now? I suppose it shut down the reactor already

sunglass: i heard they shut it down right now

smoke detector: really? isnt already power down?

checklist: bruh no talking lets go to work

*in the power plant*

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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