Chapter One

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It wasn't something known outside of the three of them. That Lily Dawn Potter nee Evans was pregnant when Voldemort came to their home to kill them. 

In one universe the unborn child would die with Lily, who sacrificed herself to protect her one-year-old son, Harry James Potter, after Voldemort had killed her husband James Fleamont Potter.

But in this one Lily had searched through both the Potter and Black family libraries, as Sirius learned of the death of his mother and father early on in the war, leaving him as the next Lord Black.

"I found something," whispered Lily as her hand came to rest upon James's shoulder. "It isn't exactly Light magic."

He had settled on the couch watching their son toddle in front of him while playing with a baby snitch that fluttered in front of his awed face. It reminded Lily so much of before back in Hogwarts when James was always messing with a snitch in the hallways.

"But it will save them?" asked James his voice just as quiet and face grim while he placed his hand over hers giving it a light squeeze.

"Yes," answered Lily without hesitation while giving her son Harry a watery smile when the toddler giggled and waved at her, his other hand holding onto the baby snitch and beginning to gum on it. "It will keep them safe even if I was to die."

"What do we need to do?" asked James while leaning forward to snatch up Harry who had been seconds from trying to eat the toy causing him to take it from the child.

"Maybe I should explain just what I found," started Lily with a sigh even as she reached for their son who had begun to fuss while heading to the kitchen. "First, let's feed our little prongslete."

James didn't refute her words only stood to his feet with a stretch before following her into the kitchen. He whispered a cleaning charm on the toy before setting it down as he took note of his wife settling their son into his highchair.

The house they lived in was located in Godric's Hollow under the Fidelius Charm that Lily had set up after learning it from Dumbledore with Peter being their chosen Secret Keeper.

"It has been something discussed for centuries," began Lily as she twirled around the kitchen wand out and causing things to move about as she began to cook. "That there is more than this world, earth, in existence."

"How?" questioned James brows furrowed only to fall silent at the glare Lily gave him making Harry giggle and clap his hands from his highchair causing James to send the toddler a fake hurt look.

"This spell, belonging to the Black Family, is based upon other worlds as a whole," answered Lily with a huff bottom lip trembling as her emerald eyes glared icily at the pot boiling on the stove.

"It seems that there had been an Heiress some centuries back who had feared for her unborn child's life, so created a runic spell to transfer the fetus into another woman who had the same soul resonance as herself."

"Meaning our child could be placed into a whole new world," stated James eyes wide breath catching in his throat as he ran a hand through his windblown hair. "That would also mean Harry would never get to meet them. They would never know about us at all."

"Not exactly," refuted Lily voice hesitant eyes downcast before meeting that of James's.

"I can set into motion, with the goblin's, a way to reach our child once they reach the age of ten by giving them another spell connected to a portkey to travel back here for Hogwarts. Then back for the months when Hogwarts is over since they will hold a strong tie to this world."

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