Chapter Twenty-One

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We didn't waste much time after that to finish up the last bit of our shopping before using the Black Lordship ring to get back to Grimmauld place with Harry coming with us. 

There was a long conversation that we had to have and that couldn't be put off considering the news we found out concerning the future Headmaster of Hogwarts. There was also the fact that here soon I would need to sit down and talk with both Bickslow and Gajeel.

But dealing with the whole soulmate thing could wait.

"This is where you've been staying?" wondered Harry as we moved to settle in the office once more with a small frown tugging at his mouth.

"No," I answered with a shake of my head. "You've read the letter from our mother, I was sent to another world in order to keep me safe since I was still in her womb of the time of her death. There is also the fact that before this our two worlds were out of sync, but have likely now synced up with me having arrived here and activated the connection."

Which was still a lot to take in even now after having known for a few weeks. Not having the chance to speak with Lucy about it all though was really causing me to worry considering we never kept anything from one another. 

A part of me just really wanted to see and talk to my sister.

Until now she had been all I had.

"None of this makes a lot of sense," grumbled Harry as his hand came up to rub through his hair while a frown tugged at his mouth. "Before that letter arrived, I had been just the unwanted freak that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had to take in."

"You are not a freak," I snarled temper rising at that one sentence while my magic sparked and withered under my skin causing me to breathe through my nose to regain control. "If they told you that or made you unwanted then that is on them, not you. What does it really say about two adults treating a child like that? Nothing good I can tell you that."

"Easy," soothed Bix as he reached out to squeeze my shoulder while Gajeel just narrowed his eyes also not caring for what we had learned. "Harry doesn't ever have to go back there again now that you've taken custody of him."

"Right," I sighed out smile wane. "The reason I wish to go by Faelyn Heartfilia is because no one is expecting me to exist. There are only three people who had known of my existence, two of who are sadly dead."

It was also a good thing that my Hogwarts letter had seemed to shift and waver before baring the name Faelyn L. Heartfilia when I had decided to go solely by that name. 

There was likely magic afoot concerning that, but it helped soothe my fear of being found out by Dumbledore or those who were on his side.

There was still so much to cover that it felt like there wasn't enough hours in the day to go over it all with Harry. But that was what happened when separated since before even birth and then finding out about another sibling.

Time would be needed to soothe this wound.

"For now, we have two months before Hogwarts. We can head back to Fairy Tail and my world to get you settled in there and it would give us time without fear of running into Dumbledore or for him to try anything."

I had also spoke with the goblins before we had left, while Gajeel and Bix kept Harry distracted for me with the photo album, concerning a way to keep Dumbledore or anyone from suspecting of Harry being out of their hands and control. 

Turns out there was something called a gollum that they could use, with a bit of Harry's magic willingly given, that could take his place at the Dursley's.

It was the best we could do currently which was something that Harry had agreed with in the end once I had informed him of it. This would buy us time since the goblin's would use their own type of powerful magic and runes to create the thing.

Another good facet of the gollum is that any change in Harry will be reflected upon it. This way there wouldn't be any suspicion when Harry took over when we returned to attend Hogwarts.

"You mean I could join you at Fairy Tail?" breathed out Harry eyes wide and gleaming with a hidden hope that had my heart aching while I gave the other a nod.

Another thing that I had done was see if the portkey back to my world could be moved from the picture frame to something smaller that I could easily keep on my person. 

That was another thing the goblin's helped with by moving it to attach it to the Black Lordship ring since only I could remove said ring from my person.

In the end I had really come to appreciate the warrior race of goblin's.

"Of course," I answered without hesitation before holding my hand out for him to take while Bix swung my bag over his shoulder along with his own. "We can even go shopping and get you some clothes that you actually like. The apartment is a bit small, but we can make it work easily enough to get another bed and such into my room."

Magic could help with that as well.

It was how I had packed my school trunk, with all my purchases inside, into my bag along with all of Harry's belongings as well.

"You could always use Laxus' house," added Bix softly making me wince and smile dim before leaving my face as I was reminded of another situation that was still hurting me. "It was the reason he left you his house since he won't need it while traveling around Earthland."

As if it was that simple.

Nothing else was said as both Gajeel and Bix placed their hands onto my shoulders while I continued to hold Harry's hand before using my free one to brush over the Lordship ring and whisper the words in, what I now knew to be, parseltongue.

We were finally going home for a bit.

~ Fairy Tail Guild: Earthland ~

The landing was rough as usual making us all stumble to try to keep our balance inside Gramps office, something I had begun to silently call him after hearing Natsu and Laxus both call the man that for months, to where he was already awaiting us.

"It seems everything went well then?" wondered Gramps as he stood upon his desk watching us making the three of us nod even as I reached out to make sure Harry was alright.

"It did," I answered simply before waving towards Harry with a bright smile upon my face, because family was everything to Lucy and me along with those here in the Guild. "This is my brother, Harry Potter. He'll be staying with us from now on outside of our time at Hogwarts."

"Where would you like your guild stamp?" questioned Gramps with a light chuckle while focusing onto Harry who first looked to me before stepping forward.

"Here," answered Harry pointing to the side of his neck, opposite of where Elfman had his surprisingly enough. "In green please."

Gramps only nodded while grabbing the Guild stamp from inside his desk before turning back to face Harry and place it to the spot that Harry had pointed out activating the magic as the mark appeared on Harry's skin.

"Now there are a few people on the Council who owe me favors," began Gramps once more as he looked between all of us. "We can get the paperwork drawn up to make him a citizen of Magnolia and have it filed away with the Council and Royal family by the end of the week."

We didn't have a reason to refute the offer so only nodded before I was placing my focus fully onto Gramps. Because when we had left, Lucy and Natsu both were heading out to deal with the issue concerning Oración Seis.

"Have they made it back home?" I questioned softly almost afraid to know the answer while Gramps only nodded with a warm smile.

"We even have another new member in the form of one Wendy Marvel who is the Sky Dragon Slayer," answered Gramps making my eyes widen in surprise. "She has settled well at Fairy Hills and seems to be making a nice spot for herself on Team Natsu."

Well, that was interesting to know. 

But with that answered I was more than ready to head home and find Lucy to introduce her to Harry along with making sure she really was alright.

Mainly since she had gone up against a really strong Dark Guild.

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