Chapter Twenty

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Ollivander's was slightly creepy from the magical feeling it gave off alone. 

The fact the place looked like it could fit into a past century of this world, going off the few books I had glimpsed over of the history here, didn't help either. 

Bickslow had also grimaced and flinched back after activating his eyes.

Seemed that hadn't been a smart move on his part.

"Ah," began Ollivander, couldn't be anyone else considering how creepy the old man was, as he appeared around the corner making Harry jump while Gajeel, Bix, and I shifted into a loose position in case we needed to fight. "I have been expecting you for some time now, Mr. Potter and Miss. Potter."

Now that wasn't normal. 

Being able to realize who Harry was could easily be explained away because of his scar or even because he took so much after our father James Potter, and from the books we saw with his almost spitting image being an explanation. 

But knowing who I was shouldn't have been so easy considering no one outside of my godfather Sirius and maybe a few others knew about Lily's second pregnancy.

A good portion of those could even be dead considering the Wizarding War they were in.

Though it could have been a good guess since I had a canny resemblance to Lily, only with some of Layla also shining through. I barely took after James, Sirius, or Jude.

Thinking on it all left me with nothing but a headache.

"How did you know that?" demanded Gajeel not one to beat around the bush as Ollivander chuckled and looked towards the other.

"All magical children carry a bit of their parents magic inside them," answered Ollivander with some fear appearing inside those swirling silver eyes as he looked toward Gajeel, "and having met both James and Lily when they came to get their own wands meant I know their magic."

That made a lot of sense.

Even if it also didn't help fully ease the suspicion we held towards the other.

"Either way," I began giving him a small nod before narrowing my eyes with the wish and will to make sure he remained silent about my companions and I. "I will be going by Faelyn Heartfilia. So, please respect that."

It had been something I had been thinking on once I had realized just how much could be placed upon the fact I was an unknown. Harry sent me a small look causing me to give a small tight smile and a look that got across that we would talk about it later.

A talk that would likely go late into the night.

"Of course," agreed Ollivander before looking between Harry and I with some curiosity. "Which of you will be going first?"

"I will," I answered after seeing the look of slight fear and weariness on Harry's face. "Though I have a feeling no wand will fit myself considering how I have been using it."

And the truth of my words were realized quickly as each wand handed over to me remained completely silent in my hand. Ollivander had seemed truly curious and fearful about it while muttering how every witch and wizard needed a wand, that even the Founders had wands.

But I wasn't raised in this world.

In my world magic was different and free, we didn't need something like a wand to use the magic inside ourselves. Not that I would be mentioning that here.

"Harry's turn."

"Right," muttered Harry seeming more relaxed now at having realized it wasn't the end all be all if he didn't get a wand. "Hopefully there will be better luck for me then you."

I only offered a small laugh before moving to stand back a bit as Gajeel and Bickslow moved to flank me. They hadn't once stopped watching over me the whole time Ollivander had been moving about talking about James and Lily Potter and their wands.

Which we would find and have returned to us if they weren't in the Family Vault.

"Holly with a Phoenix feather," mused Ollivander ten minutes later after going through a good amount of wands. "Curious."

"Why is it curious?" asked Harry eyes slightly narrowed while holding the wand close to his body so Ollivander couldn't retrieve it.

"There is only one other wand with the brother of that feather," answered Ollivander eyes seeming to glaze over as he continued to watch Harry. "In fact it was the one who gave you that scar."

"Nice to know," cut in Bix as I reached out to pull Harry beside me and further from the wand maker. "But how about just telling us how much it will cost. Also do you happen to have a holster for the wand?"

"We do," answered Ollivander sending a frown towards Bix before bustling back towards the front counter and pulling out different objects that had to be holsters. "It will be seven galleons for the wand and here we have arm, ankle, ring, and thigh holsters made out of dragon skin."

That wasn't something he should have said. 

Gajeel snarled visibly bristling as he focused his attention onto the now quacking man. I was aware that the books he had dug into on the dragons of this world would have mentioned where they were and likely what they were used for.

"Gajeel," I stated softly reaching out with my magic to brush against him making him calm and causing the iron scales appearing on his cheeks and arms to fade. "Which would you like?"

"The ring holster," answered Harry after checking over Gajeel before focusing onto Ollivander who nodded and picked up a leather ring and handing it over to Harry. "How does it work?"

"There is runes covering the ring," began Ollivander. "All you have to do is push some of your magic into the ring and think of having your wand place inside."

Harry only nodded before placing the ring onto his finger and blinking as it seemed to pulse and shrink to fit his finger before focusing and to his delight activating the runes placed onto it as his wand disappeared.

"The total will be fourteen galleons."

None of us disputed that as Harry handed over the amount before we left the place behind us. 

Though not before Bix snagged a thigh holster and tossing down seven galleons. 

I sent him a curious look that he answered.

"You might want to let me make you a wand to keep anyone from realizing you don't need one," answered Bix making me blink but nod in agreement. "We will also need to head back soon so I can retrieve the materials I will need to make it."

"I'll help," grunted Gajeel something glinting in his eyes as Bix only nodded. "For now I think we should call it a day and head back to the house."

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