Chapter 3 - Wingmates

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     Azure followed behind North, she could feel the coldness from his scales just from walking behind him.

    The other dragons can probably feel it too. She thought. Her and her winglet walked down a small hallway, the cold floor beneath their talons. The hallway was a bit narrow so if you wanted to pass the person in front, you couldn't without shoving them behind you. Azure was second to the front, North in front of her. She was careful to not get to close but she could sense the impatience of the dragons behind her at North's slowness. They just couldn't understand why he was keeping such a distance from Acacia. Azure glanced to see who was behind her, it was the Leafwing. She was the one that bumped into North earlier with her pot, she was scowling at North.

  Still upset about her dead tree sapling I suppose. I wonder what it's like to have to take care of a plant, it has to much easier than a hatchling I imagine. Suddenly, a talon gripped Azures shoulder, pulling her out of thought.

  "Move, get out of my way. Or tell that Icewing to go faster, or we're gonna lose Acacia. She's already super far ahead and I'm getting inpatient." Said a Sandwing from behind her. He scowled at Azure as he tried to push past the Leafwing to get in front of them both.

   Azures eyes widened, "NO! Stop! Wait you can't go past me!" Azure yelled, then quickly covered her mouth as she realized she had just yelled. The Sandwings eyebrows raised in anger and he slashed his tail, the dragons behind him jumped back as to avoid his barbed tail.

   "And why can't I huh?! You think your puny  self can stop me? Get out of my way and you won't get hurt pipsqueak." The Sandwing growled.

    Azures ears went down as they slowly walked through the narrow hall, she almost tumbled a few times from walking with her body almost turned around, she felt a wave of nerves overcome her.

What do I do? I can't fight this Sandwing, but I can't let them touch North.

Then suddenly, they were out of the hall, and into a new room, one with many other rooms, little caves along the walls, big enough for two dragons each. Acacia stood in the middle of the room, waiting for everyone to walk in.

   As everyone walks into the room one by one, Azure takes in all of the rooms features. The walls were made of stone, like the caves were carved out of the walls themselves, each cave had a little wooden door on the front of it, and one the insides of the caves had some leaf windows so the sun could shine through, two moss beds and a hammock. It even had a table with some scrolls and ink to study, draw, whatever you need to do! Azures eyes lit up at the sight of everything, she was so happy to be here. She sensed someone's eyes on her, she turned to her left and saw North. He was staring at her with a huge smile on his face, he too, was very excited.

"Ahem, dragonets, pay attention, I'm about to assign you to your wingmates." Acacia pulled out a folded scroll from her leather satchel around her waist. She pushed up her glasses and held out the paper in front of her face, squinting at the paper.

Silence flooded the room as the dragonets stood still, awaiting to hear their new wingmates for the year. They all lie in anticipation as she was about to announce the first pair.

"Alright, the first pair is Azure and Lilypad, you two will be in this first cave on the left."

Lilypad? Who is that? Azure looked around the room at the dragonets, as a green and pink Rainwing walks forward, holding her head high. Her pink eyes looked down at Azure, taking in all her features.

"Alright, the next pair is Scorpion and Buffalo, you two will be in the first cave on the right." The Sandwing from earlier walks forward along with a Mudwing.

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