A Prototype

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I couldn't put the horror I saw into words when I reached the lab.
Alan, barely even recognizable as a human, his brain fully exposed, his legs were gone his flesh mushed and mixed with blood that it looks like he was put in a blender for hours.
Even though his heart and left lung were exposed, I could still see it holding on to dear life, a faint rising and a slow beat, it wasn't much so I had to act fast.

I had to save my friend, I look around the lab for one very important device.
The robot, a prototype but it will have to do.
It's the only way.
I run to Alan's desk tripping over computer parts and fragments of what used to be Alan's leg.
With one last stumble, I make it to his desk and Carry the robot out and scream at Rayen telling him to take out his computer, as it's a hacker's laptop it has the ability to run complex codes.
I slide on my knees right next to Alan who's now completely still, and I try to stop shaking So I can put wires to his frontal lobe and his amygdala, Sam takes the wires from my hand gently and asks "Where?"
I take the computer from Rayen's hands and put cables from it to the bot as I frantically run commands I instruct him with the desperate need for this to work:
"The frontal lobe is the blue wire the green goes to the amygdala."
Dash doesn't even know what an amygdala is but he doesn't waste time he carefully puts the wire to the frontal lobe while asking me about said amygdala.
But it's too hard to explain, so I take a deep breath take the wire from his hand, and go deep into the brain reaching the amygdala.
I was only accurate because just as much as fear made me less able to work, the need for my friend to survive gave me more than enough motivation to push through and save him.

I hold my breath and run the command hoping there's enough brain wave activity for him to survive.
The whole command runs and the setup is complete, yet there's no sign of life in either bodies.

I blame myself for Alan's death, he could've finished up working on the prototype and he wouldn't get this accident.
And even if he did the robot would be able to accept his low brain activity.
Rayen picked me off the ground "Come on let's go"

The last this I saw before it all went black was black lightning taking Alan's body away.
And now I find myself in my car outside my house, alcohol in hand, twenty missed calls.
Rayen, Rayen, Rayen, Light, Rayen...
I close my phone and head inside, I was probably hoping I'd get into a drunk driving accident, but Terra-CT is too safe for such a thing.

Inside my house, I always felt, alone...
Never dared to tell anyone to move in.
But I never really minded, I always thought that I'd have time to make up for all of it, pretty stupid I know.

I hear tapping on my window and I already know it's going to be Chird, it's Light's magic bird.
I never got here, she has the power to control any animal through magic, but she decided to use her power to make a bird fly around the world and talk to random people.

And although I will never get the appeal of such a thing, I can only be grateful for it.
As she met me just like she met everyone else, but she always kept checking on me for years.
And in normal circumstances, the sight of the black bird wearing purple armor to protect his head and wings would fill me with joy, I would be opening the window with water in my hand to give the Chird so he could drink as I talked to Light for hours.

But today I didn't want to talk to her, not because I felt sad, that never stopped me in the past.
I'm very good at hiding it, but this time I knew there was no way I could cover up the empty eyes and the blank expression, nor could I avoid the camera on Chird's head or change the tone of my voice to not raise suspicion.

Instead, I let the bird tap the window, as I just sat down listening to the taps as if they were music.
Every single click was a new thought that sprung in my head.
The taps grew in number and they slowly got louder, yet I didn't seem to notice, I could hear it but I didn't actually process it for a good minute as I was stuck replaying the words of Multismo in my head "your the worst of them all, your jealousy, your fear... The things you could do."

Quantum PlayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora