Break Through

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.                -A MONTH LATER-                 .

I was able to make a surprising amount of changes to the way I ran Terra-CT, especially considering the short period.

for every second I'm not working is a second Multismo can attack us.
Most people assume building the observer would be easy, hell, even well-respected scientists believe so.
Usually, the argument is that I already used the calculation once, so I can use it again.
But what they fail to understand is that unlike the eye of the universe and the chamber it was stored in, the multiverse has many moving parts.

When I was looking for the word-shattering artifact, I was looking for a one-of-a-kind item, which in the case of trying to observe it makes it easier as I don't have to look through hundreds and thousands of different POSSIBLE locations.
But in the case of multiversal travel, I need to make a machine that can observe and see the endless possible locations of an infinite amount of words.
In other words, I had to make a device that could infinitely find infinity.

So I decided it was for the better to focus on that, now that I had no lab partner it was all up to me, I couldn't trust anyone with this work.
Not out of the lack of trustworthy people, I just know none else except me and Allan had the brains and skills for this task.

Instead, I decided to put my trust in those people elsewhere.
The council of Terra-CT was formed in just under 2 weeks, made up of the original officials, that would be Rayen, me, and David who is the most involved in this council.

David is the CEO of ARC-robotics, the biggest sponsor of my cause, most of the technology used in Terra-CT is a mix between my design and ARC's or sometimes just plain old ARC's.
I trust David as much as I trust Rayen, we're childhood friends too, with a strong bond.
So it was logical to let him be the one in charge.
Especially with me taking a step back to only be involved with bigger decisions, I needed someone who understands the vision, and who was a part of making it in the first place.
And I wouldn't find that in a bunch of, admittedly passionate yet new thinkers.

So far the council was working exactly as planned, citizens were happy and I had time to work in the lab.

Speaking of which...
This morning I woke up with dried Silva on my cheek in there.
It has become a habit for me to fall asleep here.
Before I can even clearly see I hear a knock on my door, and Rayen immediately comes in without waiting for a response.
"There you are!" He speaks but I could bearly even focus on his silhouette.
"Learn to wait after you knock" I wouldn't usually care as he is closest to me, but I didn't want him to hold the way I look over me.
"Your sleeping at the lab again, you look like shit."
And that's exactly what he did.
"Now that there's a council you can rest a little, enjoy life-"
I didn't want a lecture, no one could understand the importance of my work.
"I don't want to hear it!"
I got up and washed my face in the restroom as Rayen still spoke against my will, as expected.
"You're willingly dealing with more work than what you and Alan did together! Would it kill you if it was 5 times instead?"
And for some reason, I blew up:
"It would kill everyone!"
Rayen just looked at me with shock.
"Even right now as we speak multismo is making more progress than me!
Hell for all I know he's ready to attack us, but he wants to give me a fighting chance!
Don't you get it?!
He is going to kill everything, not everyone! Every- single- THING, his final goal is to turn the multiverse into nothing!
That means the end of life, not just in our world, the end of life period!"

Rayen had nothing to say, I'd be surprised if anyone did.
He just sat there, looking at me at first it was shock but then he put on an indifferent act.

I chose to ignore him and got to work, I knew to him I looked like I was just doing fake math, and looking at a video game.
Screens with bright colors and interfaces that had numbers and a star map, it looked like something he'd seen in a 2010s movie.
After a while of observing me changing small details in the math and taking apart the observer and putting it back together slightly differently for about half an hour, he left.

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