Chapter 17 Lull

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I was at tommy funeral just for tanna and her mom

I saw sensei Lawrence

Then I saw Jasmine with Jimmy, Jenny and her two brothers

Then I saw Bailey, Bobby his wife and her little sister

Then after sensei Lawrence came over to me

Do you need a ride to the dojo? He asked

Yeah I said

Then we got to the dojo

Tory kissed my cheek

Miguel went over to Sensei Lawrence

Then I got a text from Abby and I went home as fast as I can

Abby was crying and Blake was trying to comfort her

What's wrong? I asked

A-Anoush may get a new job and Blake's leaving she said crying


Because he got an offer a job at Tom Cole's

That's stupid

Then I saw on the couch and comfort her

Then I got out the book that we had pictures of mom in it

Then I looked and it was of the grand opening of larusso auto parts

Mom, Louie, Daniel and Amanda were together mom and Amanda were holding their bumps of me and Sam

Then one of baby me and Sam

We are 2 weeks apart and it was when Daniel, Amanda and Sam came to visit

We were babys and we were in the pool and dad and Daniel were holding us

Then I smiled

Then I got a call from Tory

Hey babe I said

Hi are you okay? You left she said

I'm fine, my sister called me and she was crying

Aw, poor girl she said

Then she hung up

Then Blake got a call from Anoush

Hey Anoush

I'm getting the job

No Abby yelled

Abby Anoush said

I came to see her he said

Listen bud tell her bye and yeah

Abby was breaking down more

Then he kissed her cheek

Then she kissed his lips

Don't do this please she said

Then later Anoush came and was going to take him

Tell Louie I said hi he said

Abby ran to her room

Then later I order Panera bread for dinner for me and Bella and Kenny had chick fi a

Which Abby ordered them

Dad walked in

Abby's in her room crying I said as he walked

Shit, Abby he said and went upstairs

Then Tory came over

Hey hon she said and kissed my lips

Hey baby I said

I'm sorry about Abby

Yeah, she thought of Anoush as a second father and Blake and her were perfect together


Then she took a bite of my bread

Hey that my bread I said laughing

Then she kissed my cheek

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