Chapter 29 feel the night

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It was around my favorite time of year Christmas

Me and Moon went Christmas shopping

Ok should I get this barbie doll for Bella or princess kit for Bella? I asked

I would say you get her a princess Barbie doll she said

Thanks for coming shopping with me

Anytime she said smiling

Ok for demetri these comics or this video game? she said

The video game I said

Then we paid and left

We went over to Yasmine's house

Elle, what does Tyler like? Yasmine asked me

He likes movies, the Yankees, leather jackets, knifes or chain necklace


Then me and Moon wrapped some presents

So what did you get Chris? Moon asked

Will you tell him? I asked

Never she said

A new watch dad helped me get it I said


Then I finished wrapping my present for people

Thanks for going Christmas shopping with me I said

Of course Moon said and hugged me

Then later me and Chris went to the movies to watch a new movie

Demetri came with Moon and Yasmine came with Tyler

You two are cute together I said to Yasmine and Tyler

She rolled her eyes

Then I took some of Chris's popcorn

Hey that mine he said

Sorry I said smiling

Then Miguel and Sam came

Your 10 minutes late I said

Sorry she said

Chris wrapped an arm around me

Then I put some m&m in the popcorn

No way, you better put some Skittles in

Really? I asked

Then when the movie was over Sam had this idea having a Christmas party since our parents are going to a Christmas party


Then we sat together

Me and Chris were sitting together

Well, this Christmas party's turning out to be Ho-ho-horrible

Yeah, Sam, I thought you said your parents gonna be out for the night

And Danny's dad

So why aren't we throwing a rager?


There's a keg on the way, it's just gonna be a few more minutes

Can we at least put on a Christmas special?

Christmas vacation I said

I'd even watch that creepy one with the little elf dentist

Yeah, I'm that bored

Then the doorbell rang

It's here

What? Oh, dude

Shit I said

What the

No way

Oh hell no, you gotta be kidding me

What the hell are you doing here, with this hot chick? This isn't a keg party

I bought this hat for nothing?

Wait, you parent trapped us? Why?

Look, I know we haven't always gotten along, but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now

To all of us

We think we'd stand a better chance against them if we joined forces

Two dojos are stronger than one

This is ridiculous

I know, right?

I know we've done shitty y

Like breaking demetri 's arm

You started that fight

After you almost got me fired

And trying to make me cheat on Chris I said

God, I hate your stupid face so much

If you died, I wouldn't even attend your funeral

You guys acting like children Kenny said

Abby looked at Blake

This isn't gonna work

It has to

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