13:Naruto vs Neji

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In the bustling Chunin Exams Stadium, anticipation crackled in the air as villagers and esteemed guests eagerly awaited the commencement of the preliminary final. Among the spectators, the feudal lord and a few nobles of the land of fire sat in anticipation of the upcoming battles.

In the kage booth
Finally it is time for the finale" Thought Hiruzen

The Kazekage arrived with his bodyguards

"Thank you for coming Kazekage-dono.Take a seat" Hiruzen said as he points to a chair

"No thank you for inviting me to such a auspicious occasion." Kazekage(Orochimaru) said as he took a seat

Down below in the stands

"Where are Sasuke and Naruto?" Ino's voice cut through the murmurs of the crowd, her concern mirrored by Sakura's uncertain reply. "I don't know," Sakura admitted, scanning the arena for any sign of their missing comrades.

Hinata's worried thoughts echoed in her mind as she searched the stadium, her heart racing with apprehension for Naruto's well-being.

As the fighters gathered in the arena, tension mounted, and whispers rippled through the crowd. Neji's keen gaze swept the stadium, his confidence unwavering as he noticed Naruto's absence. "So, he's scared to fight me," Neji thought smugly, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

Naruto, Dosu, and Sasuke were absent from the lineup.

Genma Shiranui signaled the start of the finals, instructing all but Naruto and Neji to vacate the arena.

Minutes stretched into eternity as the crowd waited with bated breath for Naruto's arrival. Some speculated he was cowering in fear of facing the formidable Hyuga prodigy.

Suddenly, Naruto burst into the stadium, his presence commanding attention. Male spectators sneered or rolled their eyes at his bold choice of attire, meam while female admirers erupted into excited whispers and giggles.

"You know, I can't help but think back to that fight between Naruto and Lee," Asuma remarked, his brow furrowed in thought. "Naruto didn't even get hit once. It was like he was untouchable."

Anko nodded in agreement, a sly grin playing at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, Naruto's got some serious skills," she chimed in. "That kid's got moves I've never seen before."

Guy added, "But let's not discount Neji's abilities. He's a Hyuga prodigy, after all. His Byakugan gives him an edge in terms of perception and precision."

Kurenai interjected"Indeed. Neji is a formidable opponent, but Naruto has shown that he's not one to be underestimated."

"Naruto will win" Sakura thought

Shikamaru, his hands tucked behind his head, offered a more analytical perspective. "True, but the odds aren't exactly in Neji's favor," he mused, his mind already calculating various scenarios. "Naruto's got the upper hand in terms of raw power and unpredictability."

Ino, nodding in agreement, added, "And let's not forget Naruto's determination. He's not one to back down from a challenge, no matter how daunting."

"I just hope they both come out of this okay," he said quietly, his concern for his fellow shinobi evident in his tone." Choji

Shikamaru sighed as Choji said this. He recalled what happened a month ago.

Neji won't emerge from this battle unscathed. Naruto will break him."His words hung in the air, a sobering prediction that cast a shadow over the group's discussion.

"Neji I hope you like the taste of your medicine" Shino thought

As the group continued their discussion, their attention remained focused on the unfolding spectacle in the arena.

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