ann rizuna

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Kuina was casually taking some laps around inside the utopia with chishiya, her best friend! Even if he didn't belive in that. She chews on her face cigarette while she trys to get him to talk.

"Soooo, chishiya"


He answered

"Are you going to join the group leaving today for the games?"

She asked

"Hmm... I might, I still have a decent amount of days on my visa, but it wouldn't hurt to boost it up a bit"

He says while turning a corner, she follows.

"Great! Because I was put in the group, and it would be totally awesome if you came with me"

"How so?"

"Well... I don't know, keep me company? Your my friend you know!"

"I never agreed to that"

"You don't have to, I agreed for you"

"Kuina, that's not even how it wor-"

He paused, noticing her attention was focused somewhere else. He shifts his gaze to where she was looking. When he say her, he scoffs. Kuinas face blushed.

"What? What's your problem huh?"

She asked defensively, her face blushed.

"No problem, but if somone keep looking at me like that, I would find it quite ann-oying"

She hits him, blushing more

"Shut up!"

Ann-oying... chishiya always made these kinds of jokes, any word that had Ann in it wasn't safe, because the girl kuina had her eyes one, was the one and only, beautiful ann, ann rizuna...
Kuina was head over heals for this girl, and chishiya knew that.

"Why don't you just talk to her?"

Chishiya asked

"No! I can't just- it's not that simple chishiya and it's embarrassing and what if she doesn't even like me what if she hates me or what if she's straight or what if-"

"I said talk to her, not marry her"

"...right, but still. I'm nervous"

"You'll have a chance during today's game"

Chishiya says, throwing kuina off guard

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't know? Ann is coming too"




Kuina was now alone in her room- well, in her room in beach. This place was not her home...
Kuina was absolutely freaking out!

Ann was coming!? I have to talk to Ann!?... i get to see Ann, she's so pretty, mabey I can get a seat next to her in the car on the way over... mabey I could talk to her, and we could be friends, and then mabey- no! Don't get ahead of yourself kuina! Don't put your hopes up too high!! She's probably straight, possibly has an entire boyfriend...

Kuina sighs, hyping herself up as the time clicks closer and closer to when they had to go. If worst comes to worst, kuina could still be anns friend... right?

AGHHHHHHHHHH this is so stressful!!

Very short chapter but it's ok. If you guys actually like Ann and kuina story's let me know so I know if I should continue!!

(486 words)

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