The Task

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Orion and Spade walk out of the castle. "She covered my castle in thorns and vines so I couldn't get out. Can you help us take them out?" she asks. He nods and grabs his ax. "Wait.." she cups his face as now his face began to light up a bit. "This should help you." she says. He looks at her confused before turning to the thorns and forest. His eyes begin to brighten up more. His eyes grew bright red and now shot out at the forest. His laser beams now began destroying the forest. After he destroyed it,he closed his eyes. "Ugh...what did you do to me?" he asks. "I gave you powers. It's the least I could do." she says. He nods. "Thankyou." he mutters. "You're welcome Orion." she smirks. He now pushes through the forest with Spade. She looks around with the two guards. "She should be waking up soon because I'm out." she says. "What did you do to make her so mad?" he asks. "I tried to take her power. I only got some of it but once you're able to get some you get more abilities,more things to do. My theory is you can become a god with it. So I wanted that but she trapped me here through mercy she said." Orion looks at her then moves over to her. He gently lifts her chin up to look up at him. "Maybe things will be different this time." he says. She looked up at him curiously. "Why are you so nice to me?" she asks. Orion gently lets go and turns away. He starts walking with the guards and Spade following.

Hundreds of miles away,there was a temple. People sat around it praying to it. The temple had a large dragon's head on the top of it. It was made of stone. People worshiped Tiamat who lived in this temple. She had been sleeping since she had trapped Spade but now inside of the temple the massive purple wingless dragon opened her eyes. She resembled a bearded dragon. She felt the presence of Spade. Her massive claws landed on the ground as she got up as the area around shook. Tiamat got up and roared in the air with her glowing green eyes. She walks up from the temple and now starts moving towards Spade's location.

In Max and Sera's household,they were getting ready for their baby. Sera sat out on the porch while holding her stomach. She was panting a bit since she felt the baby kicking hard. Max came outside and gave her some water. "You okay?" they ask as they pull her hair back gently. "Y-Yeah...This kid just keep kicking." she chuckles lightly. "I wonder what they're gonna be like." she smiles. "Me too." Max smiles a bit as they gently cup her face and gently pecks her lips. Sera giggles. "I love you hon..." says Sera. Max smiles gently. "I love you too..." they say. Max then sits next to her. They gently caress her stomach as she leans back and looks off into the distance. As they stood in silence they soon heard a thunderous roar. From the distance they saw Tiamat walking towards a direction. Max gets up,eyes wide. "Uh oh..."

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