End Of The Line

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Orion fell to the ground. He had been battling Tiamat for only twenty minutes now but the dragon had been wearing him down. He looks up at her and fires his laser beams,sending her somewhat back. She screeches out and runs straight at him with Orion swinging his ax in a circle and sending it straight into her eye. He fell on the ground for a quick second but almost immediately got up. Orion began to run off while Spade was sending beams of energy at him. Orion looked around for more weapons but soon saw that Kukulu,Max and Fauna had all come here. "Oh thank god you all came here! Now help me kill Tiamat!" he says quickly. "You awakened her?" asks Max as everyone gets off their horse. "Not really,I'm just trying to stop it so someone can live freely." Max grabbed Orion's hand and turned him towards them. "Who was the person?" they ask worryingly but soon got their answer when she fell to the ground. Orion quickly runs over to her. "You okay?" she nodded as she held his hand. "Orion,you helped Spade?" asks Fauna. "She told me we had fought each other at one point. I just completely forgot but I didn't know Tiamat kept her hidden. We made a deal with each other. She won't do anything bad." Max scoffs. "You serious Orion? You believe her?" they ask. He looks at Spade as he helped her up and nods. "Orion,she's tried to conquer the world more than once and is the reason Tiamat is here. In order to put Tiamat back she has to go back to her home." they say quickly. "We're already too far,we have to stop Tiamat." he says as he grabs his blade and turns towards her. "Are you kidding me? We still have time as long as she's gone!" they point to Spade. Fauna frowns. "Guys maybe we should-" Max puts their hand up and stops her. "No! He always does this! He always thinks about himself! Everything we've done,everytime we got stuck,it was always because of you and you just won't listen to me this one time!" Orion quickly turns. "I'm not your child! I can think on my own and do my own thing! I can help her because no one should be in a place like that!" he yells back. Max and Orion glare at each other. "All you want is to be with her because you're alone..." Max says. Orion looks at them surprised. "And all you want is to be in control. I pray for Thor." he says. Max's eyes widened. Max then punched Orion.

Fauna and Kukulu looked at them both surprised. "I told you guys to stop!" Fauna says. A thunderous roar was now heard. Tiamat had gotten close while they were arguing. Max turns to Fauna and Kukulu. "Distract it! I'll try to get the crystal on its head!" they say but they get punched in the face,sending them to the ground. "You think you know so much about me huh?!" Orion grabs Max by their head and tosses them into a nearby wall. "Orion stop!" yells Kukulu. They try to stop him but he backhands them away. "Kuku!" Fauna tries to help them but Tiamat tries to bite her. Fauna creates some vines and wraps it around Tiamat. "Spade! Help me!" Spade nods. The two start to create a purple and green beam. They shoot it at Tiamat,sending her flying back. Orion began fighting against Max. he knees them in their stomach before headbutting them. "You think I'm stupid?!" He grabs them by their hair and slams his fist into their nose before sending them to the ground. "I try to help someone and I'm the bad guy but letting them die and be miserable instead of allowing them to change is better huh?" he says as he stomps on their chest. His eyes light up as his laser beams light up. Kukulu aims her arrow at him. She then shoots his leg which causes him to stop charging up his laser beams. He winces and gets to one knee. Max quickly gets up and kicks him in his face. "You can help people but you helped her and still believe you're not being fooled!" Max then gets on top of him and starts punching him down repeatedly while Fauna and Spade keep fighting Tiamat.

Max left Orion in a bloody mess. "I'm sorry..." they say. They go to the others and begin to fight off Tiamat while Spade runs over to Orion. She caresses his cheek as tears come down his face. "They betrayed me..." he says. Spade cups his face. "Stay with me and you won't be alone again..." she mutters to him. He nods as his tears kept coming down. Spade helped him up and began walking away until Tiamat started to glow extremely bright. She was going to explode and kill everyone on Eternia. She began pulsing and roars loudly as she turned extremely bright now exploding. The white light began to not only cover Eternia but the entire universe. Once Tiamat exploded everything went dark. There was nothing but darkness in space but two sets of eyes opened up. It was Orion's eyes. He was on a separate planet and now looked around. He looked at himself wondering what happened. He looked extremely different. It soon came back to him and a shadow of rage and sadness fell over him. He cradled his knees and began to cry. He lost everything he had loved. Everything he needed. However a woman walked up to him. She was an anthropomorphic purple leopard. She had horns on her head and had goat legs. "Who are you?" she growls. He looks at her, wiping his face. "Ori-...." he stops himself. He no longer felt as though he had to be called Orion after what had just happened. He frowned. "My name is Eradicator." 

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